Pemanfaatan Pupuk Daun sebagai Media Alternatif dan Bahan Organik pada Kultur in vitro Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) Kultivar Granola.


  • Anne Nuraini PS Agroteknologi Faperta UNPAD
  • Wieny H. Rizky PS Agroteknologi Faperta UNPAD
  • Dewi Susanti PS Agroteknologi Faperta UNPAD



The aim of the experiment was to obtain the best response of potato cultivar Granola to different media and organic compounds in in vitro culture. It can be used to improve the efficiency of culture media in micropropagation of potato. Experiment was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran in Jatinangor, Sumedang, from June 2012 to August 2012. The experiment was arranged in Randomized Complete Design (RCD) which consisted of 12 treatments with three replications, with treatment as follows: MS without organic compound, MS + coconut water 250 ml L-1, MS + potato extract 200 g L-1, MS + banana extract 150 g L-1, Hyponex 2 g L-1without organic compound, Hyponex 2 g L-1 + coconut water 250 ml L-1, Hyponex 2 g L-1+ potato extract 200 g L-1,Hyponex 2 g L-1 + banana extract 150 g L-1, Growmore 2 g L-1without organic compound, Growmore 2 g L-1+ coconut water 250 ml L-1, Growmore 2 g L-1+ potato extract 200 g L-1, Growmore 2 g L-1+ banana extract 150 g L-1. The result showed that different alternative media and organic compounds influenced growth of in vitro culture of potato cultivar Granola. The application of Growmore 2 g L-1 + coconut water 250 ml L-1gave was the best alternative media to growth in vitro culture of potato cultivar Granola Keywords : In vitro, Media, Organic Compounds, Potato, Granola


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Anne Nuraini, Wieny H. Rizky , dan Dewi Susanti: Pemanfaatan Pupuk Daun sebagai Media Alternatif...

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Polinela 2014

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