Pengaruh Bahan Aktif 3,4-D dan P-Etyl Terhadap Kandungan Klorofil, Pertumbuhan Akar pada Annanas comosus


  • Khusnul Lestari Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA Universitas Lampung
  • Tundjung T. Handayani Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA Universitas Lampung



Pineapple (Annanas comosus) is widely known as beneficial plantation product in tropical country, such as Indonesia in which PT . Great Giant Pineapple (GGP), as one among the largest plantations in the country, works on it. One kind of common obstacle faced in this growing agribusiness manufacture is the presence of weeds, with common method on dealing with it is by periodically using herbicides. However, the improper uses of herbicide concentration is proved to be lethal to cultivated plants, as well as weeds. In PT . GG, common herbicides used for pineapple cultivars GP2 is the herbicides with active ingredient 3,4 - D and P - Etyl. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect herbicide with active ingredient 3,4 - D and P - Etyl and measure positive impact on the growth of pineapple cultivars GP3. This research is conducted at PT . GGP Central Lampung and Plant Physiology Laboratory of the Department of Biological Science, University of Lampung , in December 2013 to February 2014 . This research is designed in randomized block design ( RAK ) with factorial , with three replications as a group . The first factor is the treatment of herbicide active ngredient 3,4 - D with the degree of concentration is the concentration of 0 % , 0.5 % , 1.0 % , and 1.5 % . The second factor is the herbicide treatments with active P - Etyl degree of concentration is the concentration of 0 % , % , 0.5 % , 1.0 % , and 1.5 %. The measuring variables are the level of color changing on the leaves, root growth level , and leaf chlorophyll amount. Data are analyzed by variance analyzes, then are tested by Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test at the 95 % of confidence level if data is significantly different. The results shows that the herbicides treatment gives effects to pineapple cultivars GP3, indeed, although it is not merely significant. Thus, herbicides used in this study give positive effects for grown for pineapple cultivar GP3. Keywords : Pineapple , Herbicides , Concentration


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Khusnul Lestari, Tundjung T. Handayani: Pengaruh Bahan Aktif 3,4-D dan P-Etyl Terhadap Kandungan ...

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