Laju Pertumbuhan Oithona sp. dengan Menggunakan Pakan Fermentasi dan Kombinasi Pakan Alami pada Skala Laboratorium
Marine hatchery has rapidly developed in recent years, one factor to support this is the sufficient amount of fish consisted of food. Natural food and artificial food. One type of natural food that given to fish in the larval stage is zooplankton Oithona sp. which containing good nutrition for supporting fish growth. The purpose of this study is to determine the differential of fermented food and combination of natural food on zooplankton Oithona sp. growth rate. This research has been carried out in the Center for Mariculture Development agency of Lampung in January 2014 through February 2014. Completely randomized design (CRD) was applied consist of 6 treatments (P1: 100% Natural food A, P2: 100% Natural food B, P3: 100% Fermentation food, P4: 50% Fermentation food + 25% Natural food A + 25% Natural food B, P5: 50% Fermentation food + 50% Natural food A, P6: 50% Fermentation food + 50% Natural food B ), with 4 repetition. Parameters used for this study were population density, populations specific growth rate, proximate analysis and water quality. Data were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at α=5%. The results showed that the natural food A (Porphyridium sp.) 100% gives the highest population density of Oithona sp. ie 170 ind /l and the highest specific growth rate of Oithona sp. ie 3.77% / day. Keywords: Specific growth rate, Fermentation food, Natural food, Oithona sp.Downloads
Wikke Febrya Eldy, Sri Murwani, Emy Rusyani: Laju Pertumbuhan Oithona sp. dengan Menggunakan...
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