Pengaruh Cahaya Hijau (510-550 Nm) Terhadap Kandungan Karbohidrat Terlarut Total dan Gula Pereduksi pada Columella, Locular Cavity Dan Pericarp Wall Buah Tomat Plum(Solanum lycopersicum var.roma)


  • Arinjani Dwi Harjanti Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA Universitas Lampung



Effect of green light on total soluble carbohydrate content in columella, locular cavity and pericarp wall of tomato fruits was investigated. The experiment was conducted in factorial experiment 2x3. Factor A is treatment with 2 levels: control and green light. Factor B is part of tomato fruit with 3 levels: columella, locular cavity and pericarp wall. The total soluble carbohydrate content was determined by phenol-sulfuric method. The reducing sugar was identified by Benedict method. Analisys of variance was conducted at 5 significant level. The result show that green light effect does not influence the total soluble carbohydrate content in columella, locular cavity and pericarp wall, but there is a difference in total soluble carbohydrate content between columella, locular cavity and pericarp wall. In addtion to difference in carbohydrate content, the level of reducing sugar in columella, locular cavity and pericarp wall also difer. We concluded that green light doesn’t effect carbohydrate metabolism during ripening process of ripening fruit. Keywords: tomato fruit, green light, total carbohydrate soluble content and reducing sugar.


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Arinjani Dwi Harjanti, Zulkifli, Ellyzarti: Pengaruh Cahaya Hijau (510-550 Nm) Terhadap Kandungan ...

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Polinela 2014

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