Implementasi Sistem Informasi Tanaman Obat Berbasis Android Dengan Metode RAD


  • Kurniawan Saputra Politkenik Negeri Lampung
  • Agiska Ria Supriyatna Politkenik Negeri Lampung


This research is about the design of an information system for Indonesian traditionalmedicinal plants, which was developed on Android devices using the RAD method.Medicinal plants have long been used by the Indonesian people for generations, nowadaysthey are used as alternative treatments for modern drugs or chemical drugs. This is becausemedicinal plants are relatively cheaper than chemical drugs, besides that medicinal plantsare easily obtained from the environment, either intentionally planted in the yard or growingwild. In the manufacture of traditional medicine, people usually cultivate traditionalmedicinal plants based on parental direction or from personal experience. Determining thedosage of ingredients for prescription drugs often only uses estimates and most of them donot match properly, so that what is obtained is not a benefit but a side effect. The communitydoes not yet have information that can be used as a source of knowledge about medicinalplants, the benefits of medicinal plants, useful plant parts and how to process medicinalplant recipes. This is what causes the need for information on types of medicinal plants andplant parts that are often used in the manufacture of traditional medicines, the benefits ofmedicinal plants, processing methods for medicinal plants, scientific names of medicinalplants, chemical content, and descriptions of medicinal plants originating from reliablesources based on the results of the research. study. Therefore we need a system that canprovide information on medicinal plants, which can be accessed by the wider community andparties who need information on medicinal plants. With the existence of an informationsystem that can be used as an information center, the public can obtain various informationneeded easily, cheaply, and attractively. Keywords: Android, RAD, traditional medicinal recipes, medicinal plants.


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