Pengembangan Kawasan Peternakan Sapi Di Kabupaten Lampung Timur : Transfer Teknologi Dan Implementasi Pakan Silase Pada Sapi Dara Di Kelompok Ternak Tunas Harapan V


  • Marsudin Silalahi Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Lampung
  • Reli Hevrizen Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Lampung
  • Nandari D. Suretno Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Lampung
  • Imelda Panjaitan


unas Harapan V Livestock Group has assets of 24 PO (Onggole Peranakan) cattle aged 11.5years,assistedbytheEastLampungLivestockServiceOffice.Assistanceisintendedfor nurserieswithanintensivemaintenancesystem.Torunthisbusiness,theTunasHarapanV livestockgroupinWonosariVillagegenerallyexperiencestheproblemoflackofknowledge about feed and reproduction. The approach method offered to solve partner problems thathave been mutually agreed upon, among others; 1. Farmers' community education throughcounseling. Extension of technical production materials in the form of knowledge about feed,technology for making silage feed, and reproductive management. 2. Training andimplementation. Demonstration of making silage feed with the formulation of 70% of themain ingredients (cassava peel, corn sugar, grass odot) plus 20% rice bran plus 10%molasses. Three types of silage feed were implemented on 16 PO heifers aged 1- 1.5 yearsbelonging to the Tunas Harapan V. The design used was a completely randomized designwith 4 treatments, each treatment consisting of 4 cows as replications. P0 treatment(control) farmer model (feed is given field grass); P1 was fed cassava peel silage; P2 silageof corn sugarcane and P3 silage of odot grass. Feed trials were carried out for 60 days withfeed adjustments for 10 days. Feeding 25 kg / head / day. Based on the results anddiscussion, it can be concluded that: 1. The level of farmer knowledge about feed andreproductive management has increased, 2. The farmer group is skilled at making silagefeed, 3. The model of feeding cassava peel silage has a better effect on daily body weightgain, 4 The model of feeding with a corn stalk and Odot grass gave a higher lust response inheifers. Keywords: technology transfer, silage, heifers


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