Pengembangan Teknologi Pengolahan Tepung Ubi Kayu Tinggi Protein Melalui Penerapan Proses Fermentasi Semi-Padat


  • Beni Hidayat Teknologi Pangan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Zukryandry Zukryandry Teknologi Pangan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung



Cassava is a local commodity that has the potential to be developed as a raw material for gluten-free flour.  An effort to increase the potential use of cassava flour as gluten-free flour is to increase its protein content through a semi-solid fermentation process.  The research was aimed to develop processing technology of high-protein cassava flour using consumption cassava (low HCN content) and industrial cassava (high HCN content). In addition to varieties of cassava treatment, the other treatment was the immersion process before the fermentation process. Observation of high-protein cassava flour characteristics include chemical characteristics (water content, protein content, fat content, fiber content, ash content, starch content, and HCN content) and organoleptic (odor) characteristics.  The results of research showed that the varieties of cassava only affected HCN content of  high-protein cassava flour but did not affect the others characteristics; while the soaking treatment significantly affected the characteristics of HCN content, fat content, and odor. Keywords: cassava flour, high protein, semi solid-state fermentation


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