Keragaman Sumber Daya Genetik Empat Varietas Ubi Kayu Lokal (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Di Lahan Kering Sawahlunto


  • Sumilah Sumilah Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Sumatera Barat
  • Novi Aldi Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Sumatera Barat



Cassava is one of the focuses of the development of crop agricultural commodities of the type of tubers that have a variety of highly prospective and sustainable derivative products. Increasing cassava production can be done by using superior location-specific clones and involving local germplasm. The purpose of this study is to develop the potential of local cassava genetic resources as a food diversification material and to see the diversity of four local superior varieties of cassava which can be an alternative choice to be developed by farming communities. the diversity of local cassava varieties is carried out at Puncak Kubang Sirakuk South Polan Lembah Segar Subdistrict, Sawahlunto City March - December 2018. The ingredients are 4 local varieties of cassava (Kubang White Cassava, Kubang Red Cassava, Cassava Bread and Ubi Jambi Wood), Organic Fertilizer and inorganic fertilizers (Manure, Urea, SP-36 and KCl) while the tools used are tools for farming, meters, scales, calipers and others. Characterization and description using standard guidelines for cassava characterization Morphological analysis were carried out on plants with reference to standard descriptors. Using Randomized Group Design (RBD) with 6 replications. The treatment is 4 local varieties of cassava. The variables observed were plant growth and yield components including (a) plant height, (b) first branch height, (c) branch diameter, (d) tuber weight per stem, (e) weight per stem, (f) index harvest, (g) number of large tubers, (h) number of small tubers, (i) Total tuber and (j) ton yield per ha. The data of the observations were analyzed by variance and continued with the Duncan difference test (UBD). The results show that the Cuban red cassava has the highest potential yield of 80.67 tons/ha from the diversity of four local superior varieties of cassava which can be an alternative choice to be developed by the community. Keywords: cassava, genetic resources, local varieties


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