Pengelolaan Air Buangan Ac Secara Integral Untuk Mengurangi Anggaran Belanja Bahan Praktek Dan Keperluan Akademik


  • Subandi Subandi Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Politeknik Negeri Lampung



AC wastewater is the result of the condensation process having physical and chemical properties that are almost the same as aquades, the results of previous studies obtained data that AC wastewater that is managed in such a way can be used as a substitute for aqua dest. Disposing of AC waste in several places is not getting enough attention so that frequent puddles occur, the growth of moss on the walls of buildings flows to wet the window sills, causing weathering. AC with a power of 0.5 PK which is turned on produces 1.5 liters of wastewater every hour. There are 75 units of air conditioners in all Polinela buildings with various sizes of power. If the AC is turned on for 8 hours (working hours), 1,618.4 liters of AC wastewater will be accommodated. The total number of laboratories in Polinela is 10 laboratories, each laboratory requires 40 liters of aqua dest every day, the total need for 400 liters of aqua dest per day. The price of aqua dest is IDR 6,000 per liter, so the cost incurred every day for the purchase of aquades is IDR 2,400,000. Air-conditioning wastewater located in Polinela buildings if properly managed can meet the needs of aqua dest which is very much needed as a practical material and to care for laboratory equipment, research needs of lecturers and students and various other academic needs so that it can reduce the expenditure budget for practical materials and needs academic Keywords: Management, AC Waste Water, Reducing the Budget


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