Kajian Paket Teknologi Budidaya Ayam Kub Di Lampung


  • Marsudin Silalahi Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Peranian Lampung
  • R. Haevrizen Haevrizen Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Peranian Lampung
  • I. Panjaitan Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Peranian Lampung




Study of Adaptation Technology for Chicken Farming (KUB) in Lampung has been conducted in three locations, namely Sri Basuki Village Batanghari District East Lampung Regency, Panca Tunggal Village Merbau Mataram District South Lampung Regency, and Karunia Indah Village Bandar Lampung. The study aims to educate breeders in the Lampung region through the introduction of KUB chicken with the technology package that has been prepared by BPTP Lampung. At the same time reviewing the cultivation technology package model on the performance of KUB chicken in three areas in Lampung. The ration used consists of 45% corn, 15% rice polish, 40% commercial concentrate. The content of CP is 17,26% and ME 2.743 kcal/kg. Feed using ad libitum. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. KUB chicken assessment using BPTP Lampung technology models in three regions (Bandar Lampung, South Lampung, and East Lampung) gave a good response to weight gain, consumption, conversion and age of first laying eggs. KUB chicken business for broiler and laying hens is worth the effort. Mortality rates in the three regions were quite high.Keywords: KUB chicken, the cultivation, productivity


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