Antisipasi Kerusakan Motor Listrik 3 Fasa pada Peralatan Laboratorium Pendidikan dan Unit Produksi Sabutret Menggunakan Pengaman Phase Failure Relay


  • Nurjan Didik Purwanto Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Puji Wiyono Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Yusfiar K Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Politeknik Negeri Lampung



he 3 phase electric motor is a type of electric motor which is simple, easy to maintain, cheap in price and has a constant rotation, but many requirements must be met when installing a 3 phase electric motor installation. One of the causes of frequent 3 phase electric motor damage is the loss of current and voltage across a phase, if the electrical voltage is lost 1 phase then a phase change occurs in other words the motor works very heavy and fast heat so that the insulation of the stator coil is damaged and short circuit occurs coil so that the electric motor is on fire. One effort to safeguard the 3 phase electric motor is the installation of Phase Failure Relay (PFR), which aims to minimize equipment damage at the Education Laboratory and Sabutret production unit, especially the security of 3 phase electric motors that are widely used in the laboratory. The purpose of designing the tool from this study is: protect one phase loss when the 3 phase electric motor is operating, with this system in the event of loss of current and voltage the phase of the system will turn off automatically, thereby reducing the risk of damage to the electric motor before repairs are carried out, facilitate the process of teaching and learning activities and production in the laboratory. Thus the 3 phase electric motor protection system is expected to contribute to the world of education, especially for students of Agricultural Mechanization study programs and other study programs at the Lampung State Polytechnic. Keywords : 3 phase electric motor protection system, Phase Failure Relay, phase loss, and Phase Angle


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