Pengaruh Penggunaan Sinbiotik Bakteri Asam Laktat dan Daun Cincau terhadap Performa Broiler


  • Zairiful Zairiful Politeknik Negeri Lampung/Jurusan Peternakan/Program Studi Produksi Ternak
  • Anjar Sofiana Politeknik Negeri Lampung/Jurusan Peternakan/Program Studi Produksi Ternak
  • Karunia Maghfiroh Politeknik Negeri Lampung/Jurusan Peternakan/Program Studi Produksi Ternak



Symbiotics in this study consisted of probiotics lactic acid bacteria (BAL) and prebiotics grass jelly leaves. This study aims to examine the effect of various levels of symbiotics on drinking water on the broiler performance. One hundred birds of Day Old Chick (DOC) were divided into 5 groups of treatments. The treatments were R1: drinking water without antibiotics and natural symbiotics, R2: drinking water with AGP, R3: drinking water with natural symbiotics (2%), R4: drinking water with natural symbiotics (4%), R5: drinking water with natural symbiotics (6%). The variables observed were feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed conversion. The use of 2% natural symbiotics gives a lower average value of feed consumption and feed conversion compared to the use of natural symbiotics 4% and 6%. The use of 2% natural symbiotics in drinking water also provides higher body weight gain compared to the use of natural symbiotics 4% and 6%. Keywords: natural symbiotics, lactic acid bacteria, grass jelly leaves, broiler performance


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