Produktivitas Ayam Buras Bibit yang di Suplementasi Kecambah Kacang Hijau


  • Riko Noviadi Program Studi Teknologi Produksi Ternak, Jurusan Peternakan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Zairiful Zairiful Program Studi Teknologi Produksi Ternak, Jurusan Peternakan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung



Green bean sprouts are rich in vitamin E needed by native chickens to increase egg production. The research was carried out in the native chicken cage at Department of Animal Husbandry, State Polytechnic of Lampung took place from April to July 2018. The study aimed to analyze the production of native chicken eggs that supplemented with green bean sprouts. 60 female and 12 male native chickens were used in the study randomized into 12 maintenance plots with male ratios: female = 1: 5. The treatment applied was R0 = 0% green bean sprouts and R1 = 0.5% green bean sprouts. The effect of the treatment tested on the observed variables was analyzed by the student’s t-test statistical model. The results obtained showed that supplementation of green bean sprouts in native chickens feed resulted in higher productivity. Keywords: native chicken, green bean sprouts


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