Rancang Bangun Mesin Penurun Kadar Air Sistim Penyemprotan Madu Panas Melewati Udara Bergerak Didalam Ruang Dingin (Rh Rendah)


  • Harmen Harmen Politeknik Negeri Lampung/Jurusan Teknologi/Program Studi Mekanisasi Pertanian
  • Bastaman Syah Politeknik Negeri Lampung/Jurusan Teknologi/Program Studi Mekanisasi Pertanian
  • Yose Sebastian Politeknik Negeri Lampung/Jurusan Teknologi/Program Studi Mekanisasi Pertanian




Honey is a sweet substance produced by honey bees from flower extracts or plant parts. Food honey is important for human nutrition sources, containing 82.3% carbohydrates. Besides sugar, honey also contains minerals, proteins, and vitamins. Honey can be damage naturally if it has be fermented. Fermentation occurs by yeast at high water content (23-30%). Honey is safe from water content fermentation of 16% -21%, ideally 16-20%. Decreasing water content is the most important step in processing agricultural products. The decrease in water content can be do by drying. Drying can be do by giving heat to the material. Decreasing water content can be do by spraying hot grains that are smooth in moving air to accelerate evaporation of water, reduce temperature gradients, reduce flood damage. Another method of decreasing water content is spraying liquid material in low humidity (low RH) space in this air-conditioned room. At Low RH space, means having low vapor pressure so that it speeds up the evaporation of water. The purpose of this study is to design a honey water-lowering machine that is heated by spraying method in a low RH space. Test the performance of the water-lowering machine made. The research method is designing construction and performing performance tests. Performance tests include comparing moisture content and the final temperature of honey between those sprayed at 50 OC and those sprayed at 29 OC. From the observations, it can be conclud that the final moisture content of honey sprayed with a temperature of 50 OC is higher than the honey temperature of 29 OC. But the final temperature of honey is the opposite. Reducing machine Honey water content has not been able to reduce to less than 20% (FAO). Keyword: Moisture-lowering, Spraying, Honey, RH low


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