Pengaruh Jenis Wadah Semai dan Kombinasi Media Tanam pada Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit di Pembibitan Awal


  • Dewi Riniarti Politeknik Negeri Lampung/Jurusan Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan
  • Yan Sukmawan Politeknik Negeri Lampung/Jurusan Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan



Seed quality has a major effect on the productivity of oil palm plantations. To get oil palm seedlings with growth according to the standard is influenced by the planting medium and maintenance treatment applied in the nursery. This study aims to obtain alternative seedling containers and planting medium that can be used in oil palm nursery. The treatment was arranged factorially in a randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. The first factor is the type of seedling containers (baby polybag, Hyplug 20-VS, Hyplug SH-24, and Hyplug-VS); while the second factor is the composition of the planting medium in the ratio v / v (sub soil 25%: cocopeat 75%, sub soil 50%: cocopeat 50%, and sub soil 75%: cocopeat 25%). The variables observed were: seed height, leaf number, and stem diameter. Observed data were tested by analysis of variance and continued with DMRT test at the level of α = 5%. The results showed that there was an interaction between the type of seedling container and the planting medium on the number of leaves of oil palm seedlings. The type of planting medium that has a wider volume and filled with planting medium containing more cocopeat can increase the leaf number of oil palm seedlings. Seedling container that have a wider volume can increase leaf number and stem diameter. Planting medium containing more cocopeat can increase leaf number and stem diameter. Keywords: cocopeat, container volume, pot tray


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