Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Bibit Kelapa Sawit Bersertifiat di Provinsi Lampung


  • Bambang Utoy Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Clara Yolandika Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Nuni Anggrain Politeknik Negeri Lampung



Palm oil is one of the leading plantation crops of Lampung which has increased in terms of the area. Successful palm oil plantations are those that have produced fruit with quality and quantity guaranteed in quality. With the vast area of oil palm, the need for quality palm seeds to produce quality production, in order to reduce production failure. Quality palm seedlings can be proven by using seed certificates, commonly called certified seeds. The purpose of a seed certificate is to avoid fraud from seed breeders regarding seed types. Currently the use of certified seeds at farmers level is still very low. The study aims to analyze the marketing mix strategy of certified palm oil seedlings. The method used was descriptive qualitative by describing and interpreting marketing strategy using marketing mix concept. Formulating a certified palm oil seed marketing strategy based on an assessment of the role of variables in the marketing mix implemented. The product strategy was expected to maintain the quality of certified palm oil seedlings. In the pricing strategy was to increase the price compliance with the quality of certified palm oil seedlings and apply discounts for consumers, especially small farmers. For the distribution line mix strategy should be able to shorten the distribution channel of certified palm oil seedlings and supervise the distribution process to the hand of farmers. Then, implementing a promotional mix strategy with more publicized promotional activities and expanding the dissemination of information on certified palm oil seedlings. Keywords: certified, marketing mix, palm oil, seedling, strategy


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