Pengaruh Ukuran dan Vernalisasi Umbi Terhadap Umur Berbunga dan Kualitas Bunga Sedap Malam (Polianthes tuberose L.)


  • Suci Rahmawati Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Marveldani Marveldani Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Siti Novridha Andini Politeknik Negeri Lampung



Tuberose Flower (Polianthes tuberose L.) is an ornamental plant from Mexico, which is widely cultivated as cut flowers. The demand of consumer is increasing especially on public holidays, therefore to produce large quantities of cut flowers, a large number of seeds are needed. This researchaims to determine the difference in bulb size and vernalization of tubers for growth, age of flowering and the quality of the tuberose flowers. The research was conducted at Lampung State Polytechnic's land in February 2017 - February 2018, using Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors. The first factor is bulb size, diameter small (0,8 – 1 cm), medium (1,1 – 1,3 cm) and large (1,4 – 1,6 cm). The second factor is vernalization treatment; by vernalization (temperature ± 5 – 8 ºC) for 3 months, and without vernalization. Each treatment was repeated three times. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance, the difference in means value was tested using the Duncan Multiple Range Test at a significant level of 5%. The result showed that the medium sized bulb gave the highest of plant 36,42 cm. The highest number of leaves was obtained from the large sized bulb 18,15 leaves. Large sized bulb could accelerate the age of appearance of stalk (26,55 MST) and harvesting flowers (31,05 MST). Large sized bulb have the highest number of seedlings, that is 12,17 tubers. Vernalization doesn’t affect the tubers for growth, age of flowering and the quality of the tuberose flowers. Keywords: Poliantes tuberose, Tuber size, and Vernalization.


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