Partisipasi Berbasis Perilaku dalam Pengelolaan Program Partisipatif di Provinsi Lampung


  • Dedy Hermawan
  • Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung



Participation is the approach that has become a trend in the design of government programs related to social welfare. Through different events. This study aims to examine the behavior-based community interaction model. The type of research used in this study is quantitative research using experimental research conducted using the Pretest-Posttest Design Group Control model with one kind of observation in one experimental group and one comparison group. The results of this study were conducted in the experimental group which gave a higher speed than the control group, including the model used to find and change the knowledge of the target group. In addition to strengthening personal abilities with community-based models, the community has the ability to strengthen social groups: others, are able to work with others, are independent, have the ability to appear in public (public speaking), care for others, and have an attitude towards group information. Keywords: Community Participation, Government Programs, Community Behavioral


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