Rancang Model Implementasi Kebijakan Publik Melalui Pendekatan Nilai Budaya Lampung


  • Selvi Diana Meilinda Public Administration Universitas Bandar Lampung
  • Azima Dimyati Public Administration Universitas Bandar Lampung




The research objective is to parse the model of implementing public policy with a cultural value approach. Based on a study of the case study of the sambayan sakay value in Tulang Bawang Regency, which was included, included in the implementation of the Simultaneous Building Village (GSMK) Movement program. perceptions of leaders, that the process of formulation and approach to implementation is designed according to the direction of thought leaders towards the surrounding cultural environment Second, cultural values. Cultural values are the basic foundation used as guidelines for implementing implementation. A culture that is easy to understand and is universal in its manifestation with gambling is adopted in the implementation of the program. The habit of the community about the culture also supports the successful implementation of the program. You can imagine when the culture is not known by the local community, of course it cannot be embodied. Third, System, Strategy and Structure (3S). These three factors are the shield of how the results of the leader's perception of the environment make it a cultural value. Both those born from the leader's own perception or cultural values that already exist in the community. The two factors then gave birth to a formulation related to the program system that will be implemented, a strategy on how the cultural values will guide the implementation and formation of the policy implementation structure. Keywords: policy implementation, cultural approach, sakay sambayan value.


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