Manajemen Risiko Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa


  • Asbeni Asbeni Politeknik Negeri Sambas/Program Studi Tenik Multimedia Jurusan Manajemen Informatika
  • Sunardi Sunardi Politeknik Negeri Sambas/Program Studi Agribisnis Jurusan Agribisnis



The increase in funds received by each village all devices of the village should be ready and able to manage those funds with transparent and accountable in order to avoid legal issues. Therefore, it is very important the presumably conducted research on the risk management of the financial management of the village. As for the goal of the research is to identify, measure and strategy of financial management of the village. This research is a case study in the village Bay and the village of Sekura Swell Sub Sacred Bay with respondents Councilor. Data required primary data is sourced from an interview through the questionnaire and FGD and secondary data obtained from the study of librarianship. The analysis of the data used is with the SWOT and QSPM. Data processing is carried out with the help of Microsoft Excel. Internal identification results are: 1)the already high level of education; 2)Regulation of the 56th Government village is getting better; 3)coordination with subordinate and BPD is already good; 4 the performance of the device has not been fullest village; 5)device capabilities are categorized as low; f) knowledge of the Administration is still low; 6)still focuses on infrastructure development; 7)haven't been able to capitalize on SDA; 8)internal control systems are still weak. While the Eksternalnya factors are: 1)the magnitude of the ADD-ON brings; 2)progress of information technology; 3)oversight by BPD is getting better; 4)Regulation of financial governance of the village is already good; 5)lack of transparency; 6)the uncertain political conditions; 7)less supervision of society; 8)there are still proposals are a desire, not a necessity; 9)understanding of the public about the legislation in force; 10)quality development results are not yet in compliance with the planning. The average level of risk: risk of planning (with a value of 4.4); the risk of implementation (4.8); the risk of administering, reporting, and accountability (4.2); and risk oversight (4.3). Financial management strategies and their importance, namely: 1)increased understanding of the planning and supervision on the activities in the village; 2)strengthening regulation on management and governance by making use of information technology; 3)improve the quality of planning, implementation, and monitoring; 4)increased the capacity and capabilities of the device with the science and technology advances to financial management, the utilization of SDA and the making of the regulation; 5)enhance coordination to provide an understanding of the legislation and transparency Keywords: finance, financial management, risk management


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