Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Petani Pisang di Lampung


  • Marlinda Apriyani Politeknik Negeri Lampung / Program Studi Agribisnis Pangan
  • Fadila Marga Saty Politeknik Negeri Lampung / Program Studi Agribisnis Pangan
  • Endang Asliana Politeknik Negeri Lampung / Akuntansi




Banana production in Lampung is currently the third largest in Indonesia after the Provinces of West Java and Central Java. Lampung Province accounts for 12.38 percent of total banana production in Indonesia (Agricultural Data and Information Center, 2014). Bananas are horticultural commodities that are easily cultivated and produce throughout the year. Banana production is sold in fresh and processed form. The availability of bananas as a raw material for making banana chips is still an obstacle. The decision of farmers in Lampung to produce bananas has not been directed at meeting the needs of the banana industry's raw material. Information about factors that influence farmers' decisions in banana farming is important to know in order to solve the problem of the availability of raw materials in the banana chips industry. The method used in this study is the survey method. Data were analyzed using factor analysis. These factors are: pests and diseases, selling prices, market access, and varieties. Each factor has a weight of 1081, 0.947, 0.956 and 1,184. Keywords: banana, factor analysis, farmer’s decision


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