Analisis Usahatani Melon (Cucumis Melo L.)Dengan Sistem Hidroponik Di Politeknik Negeri Lampung


  • Rizka Novi Sesanti Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Sri Handayani Politeknik Negeri Lampung



Melon farming has good prospects to develop. This is evidenced by the increasing national melon production per capita / year. However, most melon farming is carried out in the conventional way, and only a small portion of it cultivates it with hydroponic systems. Lampung State Polytechnic is the only university that produces melon with a hydroponic system in Lampung. To fully understand the potential of melon production activities with hydroponic systems, it is necessary to conduct a farming analysis that can calculate how much income from this activity, so that melon production with hydroponic systems can be duplicated by the community in order to meet the need for fresh fruit while increasing community income. Data analysis method uses the concept of farming profit analysis by calculating costs, receipts, profits, break even point analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the business income that can be obtained by melon businessmen with drip irrigation system is Rp. 76,560,000, - and the total cost is Rp. 35,662,000. Farming profit value is Rp. 40,898,000, - and the R / C ratio obtained is 2,147 which indicates that melon farming with drip irrigation systems is feasible to run economically. Keywords : Farming Analysis, Hydroponic, Melon


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