Analisis Nilai Tambah dan Kelayakan Finansial Agroindustri Gula Semut Herbal (Herbal Brown Sugar) sebagai Minuman Fungsional di Kabupaten Pesawaran
Local raw material-based agro-industry development is a strategy that can help optimize the potential that exists in agricultural areas to encourage economic growth. Ginger is a biopharma plant which is ranked first with the highest production level in the last three years. Ginger production in Lampung Province among other medicinal plants shows the highest order with an average production of 8.71%. Delima Farmer Women Group in Banjar Negeri Village, Way Lima Subdistrict, Pesawaran District, has utilized ginger rhizome as an herbal drink. This study aims to: (1) Determine the added value of Herbal brown sugar agroindustry products in the Banjar Negeri village of Way Lima sub-district, Pesawaran District. (2) Knowing the level of profit of sugar ant sugar agroindustry in Banjar Negeri village, Way Lima sub-district, Pesawaran District. Site selection was made intentionally using the Non-Probability Sampling method with Purposive Sampling. The data used includes primary data and secondary data — the study conducted in August 2017. The analysis carried out included added value, financial feasibility. The results showed that: (1) Herbal palm Sugar agro-industry business in Banjar Negeri village, Way Lima sub district, Pesawaran District. Keywords: Herbal Ants Sugar, Financial Feasibility, Added ValueDownloads
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