Psikologi Pembisnis dan Kesejahteraan Subyektif; Pergolakan Manajemen Strategis UMKM Produk Peternakan dan Pertanian di Jawa Timur Dalam menghadapi Dinamika Bisnis
Business Dynamics, East Java, entrepreneurs psychology, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), subjective well-beingAbstract
The role of psychology in subjective well-being among entrepreneurs has been well-established by previous researchers, but this study focuses on small businesses in the potential products of honey and coffee commodities. Therefore, this research delves deeper into the influence of entrepreneurs' psychology on subjective well-being in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) specializing in honey and coffee in East Java. This study utilized cross- sectional data, surveying 175 integrated entrepreneurs in honeybee and coffee farming in East Java using a questionnaire instrument. The data analysis employed a quantitative approach with Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM).The empirical study proves that entrepreneurs' psychology, specifically optimism, positively affects subjective well-being. Farmers with higher levels of optimism can drive entrepreneurs towards achieving subjective well-being, including life satisfaction, good household conditions, and happiness. Therefore, to achieve subjective well-being, entrepreneurs should maintain positive expectations when facing business uncertainties, always believe in generating ample revenue, envision a promising future, hope for things to go as planned, believe in miracles, and maintain optimism towards better fortunes beyond expectations. This study has implications for businesses of all sizes, emphasizing the measurement of intangible resources in achieving subjective well-beingDownloads
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