Kelebihan Investasi Forex Online
The newest investment area of most people in Indonesia is forex. Forex works based on currencies. Meanwhile, currencies are important to most people around the world, whether they realize it or not, because currencies need to be exchanged in order to conduct foreign trade and business (Investopedia, 2016). Despite some advantages provided through online forex trading, there are a few investors who invest and trade forex. To discuss, at least, there are ten advantages in online forex trading. Keywords: investment, trading forex online, buy, sellDownloads
Fatwa Dewan Syari'ah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia tentang perdagangan valas yang tercantum pada No: 28/DSN-MUI/III/2002 tentang Jual Beli Mata Uang (AlSharf).(, diakses 25 Mei 2016 pukul 16.31).
Investopedia. Forex Tutorial: What is Forex Trading? (http://www.investopedia. com, diakses 21 April 2016).
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Wikipedia. Investasi. (http://www., diakses 21 April 2016 pukul 21.30).