Pertumbuhan Cacing Sutra (Tubifex sp.) Yang Dipelihara Pada Media Kulit Pisang Kepok (Musa paradisiaca) Dan Lumpur Sawah
Tubifex sp. have been used as livefeed which is given to the fish larva and contains high protein 64.47%. Availability of Tubifex sp. are derived from natural catchment so affected by seasonal factors and organic materials. Banana peel fermented has C:N rasio 11.03%, that can be Tubifex sp. culture substrat. This study was conducted to determine growth of Tubifex sp. on banana peel and paddi field mud. This research was conducted at the Aquaculture Laboratory, Lampung University for 40 days. The experimental used completely randomized, design with five treatments and three replications. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) test followed by least significant difference (LSD). The main parametersmeasured were the population and biomass of Tubifex sp. and the water quality were temperature, pH, DO, ammonia and bacterial density. The results of this research showed that 100% banana peel and 0% paddi field mud treatment has the highest population (5870 ind/m2 ) and biomass (15.21 g/m2 ) of Tubifex sp.Keyword: Tubifex sp., Banana peel, Population, Biomass.Downloads
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