Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan https://jurnal.polinela.ac.id/TEKTAN <p>Jurnal Tektan merupakan salah satu jurnal di Politeknik Negeri Lampung yang menampung hasil penelitian berupa artikel ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan Ilmu Keteknikan Pertanian, Mekanisasi Pertanian, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Sumberdaya Lahan dan Lingkungan,dimana artikel tersebut belum pernah dipublikasikan. Jurnal TekTan di terbitkan oleh Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Polinela 3x dalam setahun.</p> <p>Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian Ini diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian Politeknik Negeri Lampung Sebagai Wadah Bagi Dosen, Mahasiswa dan PLP untuk mempublikasikan karya penulisannya.</p> <p>Jurnal ini sempat mengalami Jeda Pengaktifan Selama 3 tahun mulai terbitan 2016 sampai Agustus 2019, hal ini disebabkan karena kekosongan tim pengelola Jurnal.</p> <p>Kemudian dengan manajemen pengelolaan yang baru maka diterbitkan kembali untuk volume 11 No. 3 pada tanggal 16 Desember 2019</p> id-ID andyekasaputra@polinela.ac.id (Andy Eka Saputra) andyekasaputra@polinela.ac.id (Andy Eka Saputra) Sel, 28 Des 2021 13:30:56 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Upaya Penghematan Air Irigasi dan Peningkatan Produksi Padi Sawah Melalui Penerapan Irigasi Terputus-putus (Intermittent Irrigation) https://jurnal.polinela.ac.id/TEKTAN/article/view/2228 <p>The research was conducted in rainfed rice field at Cisarua Village, Natar Sub District, Lampung Selatan Region to find out intermittent irrigation methode which efficient in using water and high yield. The experimental design was using completely randomized design (CRD) with four irrigation treatments and replicated thrice. The treatments consist of intermittent irrigation with soil hair-crack indicator (II1), intermittent irrigation with water in the perforated PVC pipe fell 10 cm below ground level (II2), intermittent irrigation with irigation interval 2 days indicator (II3), and control. Preparation of seedling for the intermittent irrigation treatment using nursery plate, but for controll teratment using rice field. The treatment the intermittent irigation were using transplanting of 1 young seedling (10 days after seeding) at wider space 25 cm x 25 cm, and for the control treatment transplanting of 3-5 old seedling (20 days after seeding) at the same space. The research result showed that the highest total amount of water irrigation aplication was happened on intermittent irrigation with 2 days irrigation interval indicator of 717 mm, in the same as with control treatment, but the lowest total amount of water irrigation application was happened in the intermittent irrigation with soil hair-crack indicator of 460 mm or only amount 64,16% of control treatment. In this case showed that intermittent irrigation with soil crack-hair indicator can save amout of water irrigation application of 35,84%. Grain yield of rice on the treatment of intermittent irrigation with soil hair-crack indicator and irrigation interval 2 days indicator not significantly different but signifcantly different and higher compare to intermittent irrigation with water level in the perporated PVC pipe fell 10 cm below ground level and the control trentmen. The average grain yield of rice on intermittent irrigation with soil hair-crack indicator 8,783 kg/ha with highest irrigation water productivity of 1,91 kg/m3, but on the control treatment only 6,528,08 kg/ha with lowest irrigation water productivity of 0,91 kg/m3.</p> Muhammad Idrus Hak Cipta (c) 2021 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan https://jurnal.polinela.ac.id/TEKTAN/article/view/2228 Sel, 28 Des 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Rancangbangun Mesin Pemarut Gaplek Basah dengan Mekanisme Dua Silinder Pemarut https://jurnal.polinela.ac.id/TEKTAN/article/view/2229 <p>Tiwul is a staple food substitute for rice which is popular in the community. There are two types of cassava processing into tiwul, namely dry cassava and wet cassava. In general, there are two types of cassava processing into tiwul, namely manual and semi-mechanical, the manual method uses a mortar or pounder, while the semi-mechanical method uses a coconut grater machine. The disadvantage of both methods is that users have to stack and push cassava manually. To overcome this, a grating device is needed that can work without being pushed by the user. The objectives of this research are to design and test the performancy of wet cassava grater using a two-cylinder mechanism. The work procedures used are machine design, machine component manufacturing, component assembly, and machine testing. The wet cassava grater machine with a two-cylinder mechanism has been successfully designed and functioning properly. The rotation of the main shaft cylinder is 1092.67 rpm, slip on the main shaft cylinder is 1.26%, the yield is 82.66%, the engine working capacity is 109.94 kg/hour, and the operating cost is IDR 9.55/kg.</p> Winarto Winarto Hak Cipta (c) 2021 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan https://jurnal.polinela.ac.id/TEKTAN/article/view/2229 Sel, 28 Des 2021 00:00:00 +0000 A Pemanfaatan Air Sumur Bor Dangkal Dengan Sistem Irigasi Alur Untuk Padi Gogo di Lahan Tegalan Pada Musim Kemarau https://jurnal.polinela.ac.id/TEKTAN/article/view/2226 <p>Effort of expansion and increasing of planting intensity of upland rice in Lampung Province can be done by adding irrigation. The source of irrigation water can come from the shallow well using furrow irrigation technology. What is the furrow distance that results high water use efficiency and optimal water productivity for upland rice? This study aims: 1) to measure the amount of upland rice irrigation water usage at various furrow distances, 2) to measure plant growth and 3) determine the optimal distance of furrow irrigation. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with the furrow distances treatment at three levels: 60, 80, and 120 cm. Each treatment was repeated three times. The variables observed were soil moisture, the amount of irrigation water use and plant growth. Analysis of data using ANOVA at a significant difference test level of 5%. The results showed that the different furrow distance had no significant effect on the growth of upland rice. This can be caused by the soil moisture in the root zone was still in the range of readily available water, i.e. 26.9-39.4% before giving irrigation. The mean plant height at 70 days after planting in the treatment of furrow distances 60, 80 and 120 cm were 107.1, 104.1, and 106.9 cm respectively, but significantly different from the control (without irrigation) was only 86.4 cm. The number of upland rice tillers at 70 days after planting in the all treatments and control was not significantly different, i.e. in the range 20.5-25.3 stems per clump. The average irrigation water used up to 70 days after planting at the furrow distance 60, 80, and 120 cm were 733, 735, and 490 mm respectively.</p> I gde Darmaputra Hak Cipta (c) 2021 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan https://jurnal.polinela.ac.id/TEKTAN/article/view/2226 Sel, 28 Des 2021 00:00:00 +0000 A Rancangbangun Mesin Polisher Beras Skala Laboratorium https://jurnal.polinela.ac.id/TEKTAN/article/view/2227 <p>Rice is a plant that is rich in benefits, almost all parts of the rice plant can be used for human and animal needs, this is because in rice plants there are good carbohydrates, energy, nutrition, sugar, food fiber, fat, protein. For humans and animals, of course, it requires several previous processes so that they can be processed into various products. It takes a machine that can polish or whiten the broken rice husks between the rice bran and the bran separately so that it can be processed into the next process. The objectives of this research are to design the polisher engine build, and to test the polisher engine performance. Literature study, machine design, selection of materials and tools to be used, machine manufacturing and assembly, and machine testing are a series of processes for making this machine. The process of polishing cracked rice with a weight of 2.5 kilograms with an average operating speed of 0.1165 hours, an average of 1.23 kg (49%) of cracked rice polishing, an average weight of 0.59 kg of manure and an average yield of 54% average.</p> Winarto Winarto Hak Cipta (c) 2021 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan https://jurnal.polinela.ac.id/TEKTAN/article/view/2227 Kam, 15 Apr 2021 00:00:00 +0000