Pelatihan Teknik Pembuatan Pestisida Nabati Pada Kelompok Tani Serumpun Mandiri Mekarjaya Kecamatan Sekincau Lampung Barat


  • Yuriansyah Yuriansyah
  • Lisa Erfa
  • Destieka Ahyuni
  • Hidayat Syaputra


Vegetable pesticides are pesticides whose basic ingredients come from plants and/or biological agents. The use of vegetable pesticides becomes popular with farmers. This is due to the high price of synthetic chemical pesticides after the absence of price subsidies from the government. Vegetable pesticides also have advantages such as the compounds contain are easily decomposed so that they are safe for the environment, cheap and easily made by farmers, do not cause poisoning to plants, compatible when combined with other controls, and healthy agricultural products have no harmful chemical residues. Implementation of this activity, it is expected that farmers can independently overcome pest problems in a safer way so that loss of results due to pest attacks can be reduced.  Vegetable pesticide training technique activities have been carried out in the Serumpun Mandiri farmer group in Sekincau District, West Lampung Regency in August to September 2018. The number of target audiences as participants of this program amounted to 17 people.  The results of activities based on the results of the initial questionnaires distributed were showed that participants generally were generally between 30-60 years old with elementary education level (33%), junior high school (13%) and high school (54%). While the commodities cultivated are mostly coffee (47%), coffee and vegetables (20%) and vegetables (33%). The main problem faced by farmers is the presence of plant pests and diseases (OPT). The control that farmers normally do is by using factory-made pesticides (100%) while controlling pests with vegetable pesticide use or other methods has not been done, only 7% of farmers have known vegetable pesticides, while the rest (93%) do not know and use vegetable pesticides. . During the training the participants were very excited, this was evidenced by the desire to try and the many questions asked.


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