Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penerapan IPTEKS <p>Seminar Pengabdian Penerapan IPTEKS merupakan sautu sarana untuk menjadi suatu wadah kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh dosen - dosen dilingkungan politeknik negeri lampung pada khususnya dan seluruh dosen dan peneliti pada umumnya di Indonesia untuk mendesiminasikan hasil penelitiannya yang sudah diterapkan di masyarakat luas. Melalui Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Lampung, hasil - hasil tersebut di seminarkan dan dipublikasikan dalam prosiding Seminar Pengabdian Penerapan IPTEKS</p> id-ID (Yana Sukaryana) (Yana Sukaryana) Wed, 05 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 TEKNOLOGI KONSERVASI LAHAN DAN TRANSPLANTING TANAMAN KAKAO TIDAK MENGHASILKAN MENJADI TANAMAN PALA PADA KELOMPOK TANI SIDO MAKMUR, WAY RATAI, PESAWARAN <p><em>Sumber Jaya Village is one of the villages in the Way Ratai District, Pesawaran Regency. Most of the residents of Sumber Jaya Village (about 85%) depend on the agricultural sector. One of the main crops cultivated is cocoa. Geographically, Sumber Jaya Village is approximately 43 km from Bandar Lampung, 5 km from the district capital. The altitude is approximately 340 mm above sea level, with rainfall of 2650-3000 mm. The total area of ​​cocoa land is approximately 708 ha. Each farmer family head has a cocoa garden with an area of ​​around 0.5 to 2 ha. Based on the results of interviews with farmers and community leaders in Pesawaran Sumber Jaya Village, since 2017 cocoa productivity in the village has continued to decline and is very low. Production in the last 3 years has been around 600 kg ha-1 year-1, declining sharply every year until 2020. The decline and low productivity of cocoa plants in Sumber Jaya Village is caused by the fact that the plants are cultivated in hilly areas (sloping), the plants are old and are attacked by vascular-streak disease dieback (VSD). The information obtained is that the average cocoa plant is 20 years old. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out rorak technology and transplant unproductive cocoa plants with nutmeg plants. From the results of this activity, there was an increase in knowledge among farmer groups about the importance of land conservation by making waves between cocoa/nutmeg plants, knowing how to convert (plant replacement) from cocoa to nutmeg with the correct steps, planting and maintaining, harvesting in cultivation. nutmeg is correct and a pilot unit will be made for replanting the cacao plants which are no longer productive and replaced by nutmeg plants gradually</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Any Kusumastuti, wiwik Indrawati, Dewi Riniarti, Yan Sukmawan Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 BIMTEK PEMBUATAN PRODUK OLAHAN PANGAN BERBASIS TEPUNG PISANG DI DESA SUAK KABUPATEN LAMPUNG SELATAN <p><em>Indonesia has a diversity of bananas, both fresh bananas and processed bananas. There are more than 200 types of bananas in Indonesia. This great diversity provides an opportunity for the Indonesian state to utilize it for further processing. Lampung Province is one of 16 provinces throughout Indonesia which are centers of banana production, one of which is in Suak Village, South Lampung Regency. Based on the situation analysis that has been described, the problem faced by the Women Farmers Group in Suak Village, Sidomulyo District, South Lampung Regency is the abundance of banana commodities and has not been utilized optimally. The increase in banana production leads to a surplus where if use is delayed or if all bananas are not sold or eaten, bananas become too ripe and damaged, making them inedible, as a result, many bananas are sold cheaply or even thrown away. One alternative solution to the problems faced by the Women Farmers Group in Suak Village is to provide technical guidance and assistance regarding the manufacture of banana flour and various processed foods based on banana flour that have economic value. The result of this activity is an increase in the added value of bananas and an increase in the economic income of women farmers groups.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Hertini Rani, Zukryandry Zukryandry, Luluk Irawati, Depita Anggraini Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENAMBAHAN TUTUP PADA TUNGKU PELEBURAN LOGAM DENGAN BAHAN BAKAR GAS LPG SEBAGAI PENUNJANG PRAKTIKUM MAHASISWA <p><em>The foundry industry is indispensable in the development of metal products, both machinery, and household products. A metal smelting kitchen is an important tool in producing a product. The availability of smelting furnaces is currently still limited and the price is relatively expensive. As is known, it plays a strategic role, especially in industry and education as a medium for metal casting practice. The smelting of 1 kg of aluminum in the smelter without and using a bulkhead, with LPG fuel assisted by air from a blower that was carried out at the USU Mechanical Engineering Foundry Laboratory, consumed 0.42 kg of fuel with a smelting time of 18 minutes. The purpose of this research is to make a metal smelting furnace with the addition of a furnace cover so that it will reduce smelting time and save fuel. This research was conducted by testing a furnace with 500 g of material, with a temperature reaching 812⁰ C with a time of 4.19 minutes. The metal material used is a used motorcycle brake canvas. Furnaces with lids turned out to be able to accelerate the heating of the furnace space, so that the melting time was shorter, compared to smelting furnaces that did not use lids. In this study the manufacture of a crucible furnace with walls or blankets of refractory cement, and fuel using LPG. This research was conducted at the Metal and Automotive Laboratory of the Lampung State Polytechnic.</em></p> Subarjo Subarjo, Tri Widodo, Feni Setiawan Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DISEMINASI PRODUK PANGAN BERBAHAN BAKU TEPUNG JAGUNG MODIFIKASI BAGI KWT KENANGA DESA MARGOMULYO LAMPUNG SELATAN <p><em>The processing business of processed corn products run by the KWT Kenanga is the lack of variety of processed corn products produced which are limited in the form of marning. One way to expand the use of corn as a food ingredient is the processing of modified corn flour and its processed products. The results of field reviews and discussions with women farmer groups found that&nbsp; the&nbsp; existence&nbsp; of&nbsp; corn&nbsp; processing&nbsp; was&nbsp; minimal&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; location&nbsp; and&nbsp; assistance&nbsp; such&nbsp; as counseling&nbsp; and&nbsp; additional&nbsp; insight&nbsp; were&nbsp; not&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; by&nbsp; partner&nbsp; women&nbsp; farmer&nbsp; groups.&nbsp; The activity&nbsp; proposer&nbsp; team&nbsp; has&nbsp; designed&nbsp; the&nbsp; method&nbsp; of&nbsp; activity&nbsp; which&nbsp; is&nbsp; applied&nbsp; by&nbsp; means&nbsp; of counseling,&nbsp; training,&nbsp; consultation,&nbsp; and&nbsp; guidance,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; evaluation.&nbsp; After&nbsp; counseling, mentoring is carried out by monitoring and evaluating innovation programs provided or implemented in KWT. Improved understanding and technicalities regarding the dissemination of modified corn flour processing technology and its processed products by 85%..</em></p> Zukryandry Zukryandry, Beni Hidayat, M. Muslihudin, Annisa Fitri Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH DAPUR RUMAH TANGGA SEBAGAI PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR DI KWT MAWAR KAMPUNG REKSO BINANGUN KECAMATAN RUMBIA KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH <p><em>Organic waste in the form of food scraps, vegetables, rotten fruit and leaves, fills the gutters and causes unpleasant odors and becomes a breeding ground for disease. Therefore, residents really need to be given education through training to process household organic waste independently. Through this activity, it is hoped that the environment will be cleaner and residents will no longer litter. Organic waste is fermented with EM4. The addition of EM4 activator aims to accelerate composting. The organic fertilizer produced will be applied to various vegetable gardens (spinach, chili, and tomatoes) which are developed in polybag media and planted on the sidelines of the yard. Through this service activity, the knowledge and skills of the people of Rekso Binangun Village, Rumbia District, Central Lampung Regency have increased regarding the use of household kitchen waste into liquid organic fertilizers so as to minimize air pollution due to household kitchen waste and the long-term impact is the community of Rekso Binangun Village accustomed to using organic fertilizers to reduce chemical fertilizer residues.</em></p> Henni Elfandari, Desi Maulida, Rianida Taisa, Riana Jumawati, Marveldani Marveldani, Hilman Hidayat, Yusanto Yusanto, Ferziana Ferziana Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENDAMPINGAN KEGIATAN PEREMAJAAN TANAMAN KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L.) DESA SUNGAI LANGKA KABUPATEN PESAWARAN <p><em>Sungai Langka Village is a village located in the Gedong Tataan District. The two villages have a strategic position and have the potential to develop cocoa and its tourism objects (Pesawaran District Agriculture Office, 2019). In the future, this will become a strong attraction for tourists so that they can support the development of cocoa village agrotourism as well as revitalize cocoa plants in Pesawaran Regency. However, there are still some problems, including plants that are old and no longer productive, so there is a need for countermeasures to repair or rejuvenate cocoa plants to make them better again. The planned activities to be carried out in Sungai Langka Village are assistance on various methods of rejuvenating cocoa plants including replanting, grafting (grafting) side and shoots and grafting. Also increasing the understanding of farmers to recognize superior planting materials or superior clones in improving community cocoa plants. Based on the results and discussions that have been obtained, they are as follows: Increased understanding of farmers about various methods of propagation of cocoa plants in rare rivers, technical mastery in side grafting and top grafting of cocoa plants and the community, especially cocoa farmers, understand more about superior planting materials or superior clones for cacao rejuvenation activities at Sungai Langka village.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Dimas Prakoswo Widiyani, Joko S.S. Hartono, Bambang Utoyo, Adryade Reshi Gusta, Kresna Shifa Usodri, Made Same Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EDUKASI KEWIRAUSAHAAN BAGI PENGURUS DAN SANTRI PONDOK PESANTREN DARUL IMAN TANJUNG SARI NATAR LAMPUNG SELATAN <p><em>Darul Iman Islamic Boarding School expects its graduates besides having the ability to memorize the Qur'an and religious jurisprudence, they also have the ability to communicate and be able to be independent entrepreneurs, their daily activities focus on memorizing the Qur'an program for their students, so that soft skills in entrepreneurship still need improvement and input from various parties. </em><em>Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the problems faced by the administrators and students are the absence of experts who can provide understanding and knowledge related to entrepreneurship and marketing and do not understand e-marketing technology. If every individual in the Islamic boarding school has entrepreneurial skills, these problems can be avoided and finally the Islamic boarding school is able to distribute and generate income (additional economics) for Islamic boarding schools.</em> <em>It is hoped that the results of this service can increase the income of the Islamic boarding school, and the economic sustainability of the Islamic boarding school which ultimately supports the Islamic boarding school process. In addition, this education is expected to be able to motivate students to become entrepreneurs. This report activity collaborates with the management of Darul Iman Natar Islamic Boarding School, South Lampung with the following program stages: Entrepreneurship counseling stage, understanding and proof of e-marketing technology, and bookkeeping processes, activity evaluation, report generation, seminar results, Program Sustainability Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.</em></p> Sri Astuti, Arif Makhsun, M. Muhayin A. Sidik, Umarudin Kurniawan, Endah Yuni Puspitasari, Maryani Maryani Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMALISASI PEMUPUPUKAN KNO3 SEBAGAI UPAYA PENGURANGAN KEHILANGAN BIBIT SIAP TANAM DI DESA TRANS TANJUNGAN KECAMATAN KATIBUNG KABUPATEN LAMPUNG SELATAN <p><em>The majority of the population in Trans Tanjungan Village, 91%, are transmigration people from Java Island who farm plantation crops such as oil palm, cocoa, nutmeg, and deep coconut.</em> <em>The great desire of the partners is to be able to start being independent in providing ready-to-plant seedlings through sustainable oil palm nurseries.</em> <em>Innovation that can be implemented is by procuring the application of a technical culture related to fertilization, namely KNO3 and the right nursery model.</em> <em>The condition of the partner has large land and adequate resources but does not yet understand and run a sustainable oil palm nursery.</em> <em>The results of field reviews and discussions with farmer partners found that the loss of seedlings ready for planting was due to farmers not understanding the importance of fertilization, especially KNO3 fertilization activities and the oil palm nursery model.</em> <em>The activity proposing team has designed activity methods that will be implemented by way of counseling, demonstrations, training, consultation, and guidance, as well as evaluation.</em> <em>Counseling is carried out by elaborating and providing insight into the importance of the role of nutrients and technically balanced fertilization.</em> <em>Fertilization and other technical culture maintenance activities are carried out by means of preparation of tools and materials, preparation of KNO3 fertilizer solution, application in nurseries, maintenance of technical culture, monitoring and evaluation.</em> <em>The activity proposing team has designed activity methods which are applied by means of counseling, demonstrations, training, consultation, and guidance, as well as evaluation.</em> <em>After counseling, mentoring is carried out by monitoring and evaluating the innovation programs provided or applied to farmers.</em> <em>Increased understanding and technical development of technology by 100%, application implemented by 40% and increase in oil palm seeds ready for planting by 20%.</em>.</p> Kresna Shifa Usodri, Bambang Utoyo, Adryade Reshi Gusta, Dimas Prakoswo Widiyani, Joko S.S. Hartono, Made Same, Albertus Sudirman Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENYUSUNAN FORMULASI OPTIMAL DALAM PEMANFAATAN TEPUNG MAGGOT SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU PAKAN IKAN BAGI KELOMPOK UNIT PEMBENIHAN RAKYAT (UPR) JATIMAS FISH FARM BANDAR LAMPUNG <p><em>A common problem in the development of fish farming is the lack of knowledge of fish farmers in terms of implementing technical management of aquaculture, planning and effectiveness in finding alternative feed ingredients to increase the growth and income of fish farmers.</em> <em>The partner group in this activity is a group of fish farmers who carry out hatchery for consumption fish and ornamental fish in Bandar Lampung.</em> <em>In the production process, there are still problems with the supply of commercial feed, which is expensive and limited. One solution to this problem is to produce feed independently by utilizing maggot as a raw material for a source of animal protein that is cheaper and easier to cultivate.</em> <em>Maggot production has been carried out and developed by this partner group.</em> <em>The knowledge that must be understood in the manufacture of feed is to formulate a feed that will produce the appropriate composition of ingredients and nutritional content.</em> <em>The Pearsons Square method is one of the most commonly used methods for preparing fish feed formulations.</em> <em>The results of this training activity provide enthusiasm and encouragement for partners to produce feed independently because it is based on the knowledge of preparing optimal feed formulations and knowledge of fish feed raw materials.</em> <em>Thus it can be concluded that this training is very important and fundamental in overcoming the problem of providing feed in fish farming.</em></p> Rietje J.M. Bokau, Rakhmawati Rakhmawati, Rahmadi Aziz, Imelda Panjaitan, Tri Rumiyani Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PEMANFAATAN TRICHODERMA SP DAN SISA BAHAN ORGANIK UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRODUKSI BUAH KAKAO PADA KELOMPOK TANI SETIA USAHA <p><em>Wiyono Village in Pesawaran Regency is one of the strategic villages in cocoa business development. The poor management of cocoa pod waste has resulted in dirty garden sanitation and many sources of cacao pod rot disease. Lack of knowledge about the utilization of organik waste from cocoa and Trichoderma sp which has the potential as organik fertilizer has become the main topic in the Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) activities. The partner's great desire is to make his village a model village, as a clean, healthy and free of waste village through processing organik waste and utilizing Trichoderma as fertilizer. This PKM program aims to develop farmer groups so that they can make organik fertilizer from cocoa plant residues from the garden in the form of leaves, fruit peels and fallen/rotten fruit in partner villages through the composting process. The solution offered is the transfer of technology for making compost organik fertilizer by giving EM4 to speed up the composting process so that it is expected to be able to provide organik fertilizer and make garden sanitation cleaner. The results obtained after the implementation of this PKM are that the Setia Usaha farmer group community is able to produce organik fertilizer with good quality from raw materials for cocoa husk waste and Trichoderma for the needs of their own group or as a side business. The increase in income from the sale of organik fertilizers is not too significant. Knowledge of how to make compost from organik waste raw materials compared to before and after the implementation of PKM increased by 95%.</em></p> Ovy Erfandari, Sismita Sari, Maryanti Maryanti, M. Tahir, Sri Nurmayanti, Hafiz Luthfi Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PELATIHAN DIGITAL MARKETING SEBAGAI UPAYA PROMOSI PRODUK KAMPUNG KAKAO DI DESA SUNGAI LANGKA <p class="ABSTRACT" style="text-indent: -.1pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 6.0pt 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">Sungai Langka is one of the cocoa-producing villages in Gedong Tataan District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Rare River is designated as one of the cocoa-producing villages because it has many cocoa farmer groups. One of the farmer groups in Sungai Langka Village is the Mahesa Jaya, a farmer group. Sungai Langka is one of the tourist destinations in the Pesawaran district. Defined as a tourist village, of course, the Langka River has various supporting objects, including beautiful nature, friendly residents, cool air, unspoiled rice fields, and natural scenery. The developments in the field of information and communication technology at this time directly have a positive impact on various fields of life in society, one of which is the use of web-based media as a medium for disseminating information and communication. Cocoa farmer groups in Mahesa Jaya need to have the right media and gain additional knowledge and skills to improve their current skills, especially in the utilization and use of web-based digital media as a medium for the promotion and marketing of cocoa villages. Thus, in this community service activity, it is necessary to provide training, namely "Website Management as a Media Information and Promotion of Cocoa Village in Sungai Langka". Through this training activity, it is hoped that it can improve the understanding and skills of participants regarding website management and digital marketing of cocoa village.</span></p> Oki Arifin, Dewi Kania Widyawati, Annisa Fitri, Enggar Dwi Cahyo Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pengembangan Media Promosi Berbasis Web Sebagai Optimasi Usaha Kopi di Desa Kalisari Natar Lampung <p><em>C</em><em>o</em><em>ff</em><em>ee</em><em>, specifically fine Robusta Lampung, is the superior commodity which is cultivated and produced by farmers in West Lampung. Ground coffee with fine quality is one of the product that can be derived from coffee bean and can be sold to the wide range of market. The farmer group in Kertasari Village, Natar, namely The Sido Maju group, establish the partnership with farmers from West Lampung and Oku in order to fulfill the needs of the coffee bean as the raw material to produce ground coffee under the “Kopi Tenant” brand. The marketing of this ground coffee, however, still has several limitations such as the narrow marketing scope, poor marketing and promotion, and it has not submitted as an intellectual property. Therefore, to overcome those limitations, several works to assist The Sido Maju group can be done, such as (1) implementing web-based and online marketing which can be managed by the group, (2) Providing documents assistance for “Kopi Tenant”, (3) analyzing the “Kopi Tenant” chemical composition so that it can be promoted as a coffee with functional properties that can give health benefits, and (4) providing the post-harvest practices assistance according to SNI 2907-2020. Counseling and training on how to register their brand as an intellectual property, the post-harvest practices (according to SNI 2907-2020), and the demonstration on how to use and manage the web- based market and online media was provided to 14 members of Sido Maju Group. Finally, The conclusion of the implementation of Community Service is that the use of the website as a promotional media can increase sales of the "Sido Maju" business group adjusted to the coffee product produced, namely Tenant Cofffee with the link Besides being able to increase sales, this website is also expected to expand the reach of consumers, where currently consumers of the "Sido Maju" business group are still only in local areas.</em></p> Taufik Nugraha A, Eko Win Kenali, Analianasari Analianasari, Pridata Gina Putri, Perdiansyah Mulia Harahap H, Supriyanto Supriyanto Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 BIMBINGAN TEKNIS PERBANYAKAN DURIAN UNGGUL LOKAL SEBAGAI UPAYA PELESTARIAN SUMBER DAYA GENETIK PADA CV. JAYA MANDIRI AGRO, PEKALONGAN, LAMPUNG TIMUR <p><em>One of the fruit seeds that is currently favored by the community is durian seeds. Efforts to increase the production and quality of good durian fruit need to be done in order to produce new superior varieties by exploring local varieties by utilizing existing germplasm. In addition, it is also necessary to improve the durian cultivation system. The current durian cultivation generally comes from seeds of very diverse quality. So that the provision of local superior varieties seeds needs to be done. Superior seeds are the main requirement in supporting the development of superior durian. One way to obtain superior seeds can be done through vegetative propagation such as grafting. Therefore, in this service program, technical guidance will be provided to CV Jaya Mandiri Agro regarding vegetative propagation techniques for local superior durians in Lampung, procedures in the production of durian seeds and the certification process for superior local duian seeds in Lampung. The provision of material in this counseling had a positive impact on the farmers who attended, namely providing knowledge to farmers about important aspects in doing vegetative propagation by grafting on durian plants and providing an explanation of the determinants of success in grafting durian.</em></p> Nurman Abdul Hakim, Nazirwan Nazirwan, Ratna Dewi, Ari Wahyuni, Ria Putri Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI SAMBUNG SAMPING UNTUK REHABILITASI TANAMAN KOPI DI DESA MUARA BARU LAMPUNG BARAT <p><em>The majority of Berkah Jaya farmer group community partnership program members work as coffee farmers.</em> <em>The production of coffee from farmers' gardens in recent years has continued to decline.</em> <em>This is because the age of the coffee plants in Muara Baru Village is more than ten years old.</em> <em>If prevention is not carried out, coffee production in Muara Baru Village in the next ten years will not be sufficient for the family's economic needs.</em> <em>This is because the cultivated coffee plants have exceeded the productive age limit of coffee plants.</em> <em>The partner's biggest wish is to make his or her garden return to high production every time the harvest season arrives.</em> <em>If production is high, it will have an impact on increasing the welfare of the village community.</em> <em>Therefore, community service activities (PKM) were carried out in the form of transfer of knowledge of side grafting technology to support the rehabilitation of coffee plants in Muara Baru village.</em> <em>Side grafting technology is needed for coffee plant rejuvenation in Muara Baru Village.</em> <em>Because if planting is done using new plants, a problem will arise in the form of a void in the production period.</em> <em>The vacancy during the production period results in no farmer's income for a certain period.</em> <em>Farmers need to get side grafting technology transfer because the members of the farmer group have never done side grafting as an effort to rejuvenate their coffee plants.</em> <em>The team has designed a method that is implemented by means of counseling, demonstrations, training, consultation and guidance, as well as evaluation.</em> <em>When the side grafting technology was transferred, all participants were enthusiastic to know how to do side grafting.</em> <em>At the end of the activity, the members of the farmer group were very satisfied with the success of the connection that had been made.</em> <em>An increase in understanding and technology by 100% after counseling was carried out, the application that was applied was 80% and the average increase in farmer's knowledge was 87.50%.</em><em>Keywords: </em><em>durian, grafting, superior seeds</em></p> Sri Nurmayanti, Widia Rini Hartari, M. Tahir, Yan Sukmawan Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MODIFIKASI DRIP IRRIGATION UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI PRAKTIKUM BUDIDAYA TANAMAN HIAS <p><em>In reference to the competence of vocational institutions, lecturers, educational laboratory staff (PLP), and students are expected to be able to make their own equipment or appropriate supporting equipment.</em> <em>An educational laboratory as a place to provide practicum equipment and adequate supporting equipment to make it happen.</em> <em>Even for the continuity of a practicum, sometimes a student, lecturer or PLP sometimes has to make the necessary supporting equipment themselves.</em> <em>Equipment or innovations that are designed must be packaged in an attractive form as a product prototype.</em> <em>Both for a study, as well as practicum tools in the laboratory.</em> <em>The purpose of this study was to modify drip irrigation to increase the practicum competence of ornamental plant cultivation.</em> <em>This research was carried out at the Net House near the Plant Laboratory III of the Lampung State Polytechnic from April to October 2022. The tools used in the experiment were mechanical pumps, portable and writing instruments.</em> <em>Materials for making drip irrigation plastic drums, 1 inch dia PVC pipe, ¾ inch dia pvc pipe, 18 mm dia PE pipe, 5/8 inch plastic hose, 5 mm diameter plastic hose, ¾ dia faucet, fertilizer tank, Y filter,</em> <em>drip tape emitters, cable terminals.</em> <em>The steps in modifying drip irrigation are selecting materials to be used as network components, selecting domestically produced materials that are cheap, easy to obtain and easy to work with, such as: plastic containers, 1 inch diameter PVC pipe, ¾ inch diameter PVC pipe, pipe</em> <em>PE dia 18 mm, plastic hose dia 5/8 inch, plastic hose dia 5 mm, faucet dia ¾, fertilizer tank, Y filter, emitter drip tape, cable terminals.</em> <em>To get quality ornamental plants can be improved by making various efforts such as using proper irrigation systems and good plant growth media.</em> <em>The drip irrigation system is the most efficient irrigation system.</em> <em>The efficiency of using water in drip irrigation systems can reach 80% to 95% due to the application of water directly to the root area regularly and slowly.</em> <em>The advantages of drip irrigation are that it can save water, energy, management costs, use the right fertilizer, energy and can control diseases in plants and can be used for uneven and narrow land.</em></p> Rindang Andam Suri, Isnayati Isnayati Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000