Pelatihan Penanggulangan Hama Tanaman dengan Pestisida Nabati pada Kelompok Tani Reka Daya Bagelen Pesawaran
Problems faced by the Reka Daya farmer group in Bagelen Pesawarant include: high production costs, especially for the purchase of fertilizers and anorganic pesticides. Generally, the plants cultivated are vulnerable to attack by plant pests (OPT), therefore integrated pest control technology is needed in plant cultivation. A participatory approach and adapted to site-specific conditions so that there is no surge in OPT attacks. The results of PKM that have been done based on questionnaire data and interviews that have been conducted can be concluded that; (a) members of the Raka Daya farmer group in Bagelen Pesawaran generally trying to work in agriculture with the main commodity of paddy rice; (b) 100% of farmers interviewed using anorganic pesticides in pest control; (c) 37% of participating farmers were familiar with plant-based pesticides, but overall none had used them in pest control; (d) After counseling and training in making organic pesticides, farmers are interested to try and implement it in the field.Unduhan
Data unduhan belum tersedia.
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