Bungkil Inti Sawit sebagai Media Biokonversi Produksi Massal Larva Maggot dan Uji Respon Pemberian pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus)


  • Rietje J.M Bokau Politeknik Negeri Lampung/ Jurusan Peternakan, Program Studi Perikaan
  • Tutu Petrus Basuki Politeknik Negeri Lampung/ Jurusan Teknologi, Program Studi Mekanisasi Pertanian




The results of palm kernel extraction produce palm kernel oil (PKO) and by-products in the form of palm kernel meal (PKM). Utilization of PKM as a raw material for fish feed, another development of its utilization is as a medium for the bioconversion process in producing maggot, the larvae of Hermetia illucens known as the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) as fish feed. Bioconversion is a process that changes the shape of a product / material that is less valuable into a valuable product by using biological agents (living things: insects). Mass production of maggot larvae is carried out through the stage of BSF egg production in the cage. The eggs harvested are then stocked on fermented PKM media using probiotics mixed into water at different doses, namely: 0% (F0), 1% (F1), 2% (F2), 3% (F3), and 4% (F4), water + probiotics are mixed into PKM media weighed 1 kg each until the media becomes moist and left for 2 days. Then the petri dish is filled with eggs 1 gram each and placed on the PKM media. The bioconversion process takes place 7-10 days later maggot larvae can be harvested. The highest maggot biomass in 3% (F3) + probiotic water fermentation treatment is 805 grams / kg media, the highest percentage of maggot size is medium (1-1.5cm) 35-66% with the highest protein content of 50.58%, while the small size ( <1cm) 21-32% protein 48.67% and large size (> 1.5cm) 21-30% with protein 48.58%. Giving maggot larvae as fresh feed is very well responded by fish. Keywords: Palm Kernel Meal (PKM), Bioconversion, Biomasa Maggot


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