Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian 2022-10-19T07:57:15+00:00 Analianasari Open Journal Systems <p>Provinsi Lampung sebagai salah satu lumbung pertanian juga merespon program pemerintah dengan mempersiapkan diri menyongsong revitalisasi pertanian. Dalam hal itu kiprah Politeknik Negeri Lampung dalam bidang pertanian dan pengabdian masyarakat diimplementasikan dalam bentuk Rencana Induk Penelitian (RIP) 2016-2020 dengan payung penelitian  <strong>"Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna berbasis Agribisnis Untuk Menopang Pendidikan dan Transfer Iptek Guna Menopang Kehidupan Masyarakat"</strong></p><p>Karya-karya inovatif hasil penelitian tersebut harus diinformasikan kepada masyarakat luas agar dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat atau dikembangkan oleh peneliti lain. Untuk menyebarluaskan dan/atau mensosialisasikan hasil penelitian yang telah di lakukan, ada beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan, diantarnya adalah melalui seminar dan diseminasi hasil penelitian. Melalui kegiatan seminar dan diseminasi, hasil-hasil penelitian akan ditelah atau dikaji oleh dosen lain atau pakar dari bidang keilmuan yang berbeda dengan demikian hasil penelitian akan lebih sempurna karena ditelaah oleh para ahli dari berbagai bidang keilmuan, termasuk didalamnya akan terjadi klarifikasi apakah penelitian tersebut telah dilakukan oleh peneliti lain pada masa sebelumnya .</p> Persepsi Pelaku UMKM Terhadap Penerapan e-Bisnis Pertanian di Bandar Lampung 2019-05-09T02:07:41+00:00 Fadila Marga Saty Marlinda Apriyani Agiska Ria Supriyatna <p>As the development of SMEs agriculture in Bandar Lampung, other sectors also developed, <br />namely information, communication, and technology. This phenomenon is seen in the <br />increasing and mushrooming of internet usage in all circles of society. E-business is a <br />business activity that uses a network base that not only includes purchases, sales, and <br />services but also includes customer service and cooperation with business partners, both <br />individuals, and agencies. The purpose of this study was to analyze the perceptions of SMEs <br />actors in the utilization of agricultural e-Business. The research was carried out in Bandar <br />Lampung, namely SMEs in saprotan, various chips, processed fish, horticultural, emping. <br />Respondents spread in several sub-districts with 30 people. The results of the study show <br />that the majority of SMEs entrepreneurs feel positive benefits with the existence of e-<br />Business, both from increasing products, sales, and consumers while the majority of <br />obstacles faced are lack of skills in mastering e-Business. <br /> <br />Keywords: e-business, MSME actors, perception</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Brand Image dan Iklan Televisi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pasta Gigi Pepsodent 2019-05-09T02:07:41+00:00 Bisri Merduani Merduani Vitratin Vitratin Rianti Rianti <p>This research is entitled Brand Image and Television Ads on Purchasing Decisions of <br />Pepsodent Toothpaste. The purpose of this research is whether Brand Image and <br />Television Advertising influence people's interest, how big is the influence of advertising <br />and brand image on consumer purchasing decisions in Bandar Lampung. The method used <br />in this study is to use multiple linear regression with eviews. The results obtained in this <br />study are that the overall / simultaneous television and brand image ads affect the decision <br />to purchase Pepsodent toothpaste and the influence of the remaining 42.8% is 57.2% <br />influenced by other factors not examined and partially only influential television ads. on <br />the purchase decision of Pepsodent Toothpaste, while Brand Image had no effect on <br />Pepsodent Toothpaste Purchasing Decisions. Television advertising is able to reinforce the <br />attitude towards Pepsodent toothpaste products, while respondents assume that brand <br />image does not affect the purchasing decision of Pepsodent toothpaste because consumers <br />buy it just to meet the needs, brand image has not been embedded in the minds of <br />consumers, because respondents in this study are teenagers young) who only use products <br />and consider brand image not important.</p><p> </p><p>Keyword : Television Advertising, Brand Image and Purchase Decision </p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Efisiensi Usahatani Padi Organik di Kecamatan Candipuro 2019-05-09T02:07:41+00:00 Sri Handayani Nuni Anggraini Clara Yolandika <p>The organik farming began to be applied by farmers in Candipuro District to improve the <br />quality of organik rice plants and hopes to increase their farm income. This study purpose to <br />analyze the efficiency of organik rice varieties of mentik susu. The method of implementation <br />uses the survey method. The research location was determined purposived based on organik <br />rice planting clusters in Candipuro District. The results of the analysis and discussion show <br />that organik rice farming is more efficient in managing the farm. This is indicated by the <br />greater efficiency of organik rice, which is 2.45 compared to nonorganik rice, which is 2.33. <br />Overall organik rice farming run by farmers is feasible to run economically. <br /> <br />Keywords : Efficiency farming, Organik rice, Mentik Susu Variety</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Analisis Usahatani Padi Sawah dengan Penerapan Teknologi Jarwo Super di Lampung 2019-05-09T02:07:41+00:00 Slameto Slameto Agung Lasmono <p>Rice is a strategic food commodity in Lampung Province. Rice fields are still the foundation <br />of rice cultivation. Increased rice production in rice fields tends to be stagnant. <br />Breakthrough jarwo super technology innovation is expected to increase rice productivity in <br />paddy fields. This study aims to analyze rice farming through the implementation of jarwo <br />super technology in the Lampung region. The study method was in the form of observation <br />and continued with a survey of farmers applying jarwo super technology innovation in <br />Pesawaran District, Lampung. Research time in the second planting season (August-<br />November) in 2017. The data observed included components of rice farming using jarwo <br />super technology. The analysis is carried out on the feasibility of farming and described <br />descriptively. The results of the study show that the implementation of jarwo super <br />technology provides higher production yields than super nonjarwo (2 tons/ha). Lowland rice <br />farming through the application of jarwo super technology gives greater acceptance so that <br />it is feasible to implement and cultivate. Farmer's preference for jarwo super technology <br />gives a positive response. In the future to spur rice production and maintain environmental <br />sustainability, the application of jarwo super technology needs to be introduced on a wider <br />scale in the Lampung region. <br /> <br />Keywords: farming, jarwo super technology, rice</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Analisis Nilai Tambah dan Kelayakan Finansial Agroindustri Gula Semut Herbal (Herbal Brown Sugar) sebagai Minuman Fungsional di Kabupaten Pesawaran 2019-05-09T02:07:41+00:00 Analianasari Analianasari Dayang Berliana Eko Win Kenali <p>Local raw material-based agro-industry development is a strategy that can help optimize the <br />potential that exists in agricultural areas to encourage economic growth. Ginger is a <br />biopharma plant which is ranked first with the highest production level in the last three <br />years. Ginger production in Lampung Province among other medicinal plants shows the <br />highest order with an average production of 8.71%. Delima Farmer Women Group in <br />Banjar Negeri Village, Way Lima Subdistrict, Pesawaran District, has utilized ginger <br />rhizome as an herbal drink. This study aims to: (1) Determine the added value of Herbal <br />brown sugar agroindustry products in the Banjar Negeri village of Way Lima sub-district, <br />Pesawaran District. (2) Knowing the level of profit of sugar ant sugar agroindustry in <br />Banjar Negeri village, Way Lima sub-district, Pesawaran District. Site selection was made <br />intentionally using the Non-Probability Sampling method with Purposive Sampling. The data <br />used includes primary data and secondary data — the study conducted in August 2017. The <br />analysis carried out included added value, financial feasibility. The results showed that: (1) <br />Herbal palm Sugar agro-industry business in Banjar Negeri village, Way Lima sub district, <br />Pesawaran District. <br /> <br /> Keywords: Herbal Ants Sugar, Financial Feasibility, Added Value</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Analisis Usahatani Melon (Cucumis Melo L.)Dengan Sistem Hidroponik Di Politeknik Negeri Lampung 2019-05-09T02:07:41+00:00 Rizka Novi Sesanti Sri Handayani <p>Melon farming has good prospects to develop. This is evidenced by the increasing national <br />melon production per capita / year. However, most melon farming is carried out in the <br />conventional way, and only a small portion of it cultivates it with hydroponic systems. <br />Lampung State Polytechnic is the only university that produces melon with a hydroponic <br />system in Lampung. To fully understand the potential of melon production activities with <br />hydroponic systems, it is necessary to conduct a farming analysis that can calculate how <br />much income from this activity, so that melon production with hydroponic systems can be <br />duplicated by the community in order to meet the need for fresh fruit while increasing <br />community income. Data analysis method uses the concept of farming profit analysis by <br />calculating costs, receipts, profits, break even point analysis. Based on the results of the <br />analysis, it is known that the business income that can be obtained by melon businessmen <br />with drip irrigation system is Rp. 76,560,000, - and the total cost is Rp. 35,662,000. Farming <br />profit value is Rp. 40,898,000, - and the R / C ratio obtained is 2,147 which indicates that <br />melon farming with drip irrigation systems is feasible to run economically. <br /> <br />Keywords : Farming Analysis, Hydroponic, Melon</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Petani Pisang di Lampung 2019-05-09T02:07:42+00:00 Marlinda Apriyani Fadila Marga Saty Endang Asliana <p>Banana production in Lampung is currently the third largest in Indonesia after the <br />Provinces of West Java and Central Java. Lampung Province accounts for 12.38 percent of <br />total banana production in Indonesia (Agricultural Data and Information Center, 2014). <br />Bananas are horticultural commodities that are easily cultivated and produce throughout the <br />year. Banana production is sold in fresh and processed form. The availability of bananas as <br />a raw material for making banana chips is still an obstacle. The decision of farmers in <br />Lampung to produce bananas has not been directed at meeting the needs of the banana <br />industry's raw material. Information about factors that influence farmers' decisions in <br />banana farming is important to know in order to solve the problem of the availability of raw <br />materials in the banana chips industry. The method used in this study is the survey method. <br />Data were analyzed using factor analysis. These factors are: pests and diseases, selling <br />prices, market access, and varieties. Each factor has a weight of 1081, 0.947, 0.956 and <br />1,184. <br /> <br />Keywords: banana, factor analysis, farmer’s decision</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Analisis Penggunaan Sistem E-Filing dalam Pelaporan SPT Tahunan Menggunakan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) pada KPP Pratama Tanjung Karang 2019-05-09T02:07:42+00:00 Eksa Ridwansyah Damayanti Damayanti <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The <br />results of this study can be an input for the government, in this case the Directorate General <br />of Taxation in improving e-Filing services so that more optimal benefits.The sample of <br />research is individual taxpayers (WPOP) registered in KPP Pratama Tanjung Karang, <br />calculation data using questionnaires sent online. Further data are analyzed by multiple <br />regression analysis using SPSS software support. The number of samples of this study are <br />119 WPOP (e-filing users) registered in KPP Pratama Tanjung Karang. The results of the <br />analysis are as follows: first, the perceived ease of use has a significant and positive effect to <br />the actual rate of E-Filing used. Second, the perceived usefulness has a significant and <br />negative effect to the Actual System Usage of e-Filing. Third, the perceived of attitude has a <br />significant and positive effect to the Actual System Usage of e-Filing. Fourthly, the <br />Behavioral Intention to Use of e-filing has a significant and positive effect to the Actual <br />System Usage of e-Filing. Overall the independent variables has significant effect to the <br />Actual System Usage of e-filing on the WPOP registered in KPP Pratama Tanjung Karang. <br /> <br />Keywords: e-Filing, Technology Acceptance Model, KPP Pratama Tanjung Karang, <br /> Multiple Linear Regression.</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Preperensi Kepentingan Pelaku Usaha UKM Tahu Tempe di Kota Bandar Lampung 2019-05-09T02:07:42+00:00 Destia Pentiana Lihan Rini Puspo Wijaya <p>This research was conducted to look at the preference of the interests of entrepreneurs in the <br />business of tempe tofu in Bandar Lampung in running their business, with turnover / sales <br />variables, profit / profit, low business costs, quality of services / products, environmentally <br />friendly products / services, and waste not pollute the environment. The research was <br />carried out by taking a sample of 30 SME entrepreneurs in the city of Bandar Lampung, the <br />method of data collection was done by interview (questionnaire) distributed to respondents. <br />Data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative method. The results showed that <br />businesses prefer earnings as an important thing in doing business activities (57% of <br />respondents answered as choice 1 "very important"), the next choice was turnover (53% <br />answered as the "important" second choice), low business costs as a third choice "quite <br />important" (as much as 73%), the quality of services / products as a fourth choice "less <br />important" (as much as 63%), while environmentally friendly products / services became the <br />fifth choice "not important" (as much as 67%), and waste that does not pollute the <br />environment is in the sixth last choice "very unimportant" for SME tempe tofu makers in <br />Bandar Lampung City. <br /> <br />Keywords: Tempe, Tofu, UKM</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Dampak Amnesti Pajak dan Sistem Administrasi Modern Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak 2019-05-09T02:07:42+00:00 Sri Risma Yenny Pulung Wicaksono <p>The purpose of this study was to find empirical evidence of the impact of tax amnesty and the <br />modern administration system on taxpayer compliance on individual taxpayers in Lampung <br />Province. The object chosen is the taxpayer who already has an NPWP in Lampung <br />Province. The data used are primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to <br />respondents with Likert scale. The sample in this study were 114 people. Samples were taken <br />randomly (rendom sampling). This research is a quantitative research with warpPLS 3.0 test <br />equipment, to process data obtained from questionnaires. The results of the study show that <br />tax amnesty has a significant effect on taxpayer compliance, as well as the modern <br />administration system has a significant effect on taxpayer compliance. <br /> <br />Keywords: Tax Amnesty, Modern Administration System, Taxpayer Compliance</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Partisipasi Dalam Penyusunan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa (APBDesa) dan Kualitas Pelaksanaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa (APBDesa) 2019-05-09T02:07:42+00:00 Maryani Maryani Rusmianto Rusmianto <p>The budget paradigm in the reform era demands the involvement of the public (public) in the <br />entire budget cycle. Budgeting participation is a method that can be used to improve <br />organizational performance. Quality of the budget is the optimization of all the input that is <br />sacrificed and get the results and benefits that have been achieved by the organization. <br />Quality of the budget with economic values (always increasing), efficient (ratio that matches <br />results), justice or justice (value and effect in accordance with the value of justice), <br />accountability, and responsiveness (in accordance with the aspirations of the community). <br /> This type of research is qualitative which describes the definition of phenomena that occur <br />in the implementation of the village budget and the quality of the implementation of the <br />village budget in villages in the sub-district of Waysulan, South Lampung Regency. This <br />method is used to convey information about the contribution of the drafting and <br />implementing APBDesa. Based on the previous discussions, it can be concluded that <br />generally in the APBDesa process, stakeholders have actively participated and the <br />government has provided sufficient space to enable this community. In addition, the quality <br />of the APBDesa implementation has been good. <br /> <br />Keywords: APBDesa, Budgeting, Quality</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Kajian Ekonomi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Perikanan Tangkap Di Perairan Kabupaten Sambas 2019-05-09T02:07:42+00:00 Munandar Munandar Saifullah Saifullah <p>The utilization of fishery resources shall still pay attention to and ensure the preserved, or in <br />other words, the fish resource management must provide the optimal economic benefits by <br />remaining attentive to the fish resource biology factor. The purpose of this research is to <br />Analyze the level of production, the effort and the economic optimum of the rented fishery <br />resources in the waters of Sambas Regency. Analyze the feasibility of fishery resource <br />management scenario catch in the waters of Sambas Regency. The research by the method of <br />purposive sampling and use survey. The data analysis used the analysis of bio-economic <br />model with CYP, WH, Schnute and algorithms Fox and investment analysis. From the results <br />of investment analysis that in large pelagic fish resources utilization value NPV of Rp-<br />459,631,847.82, B/C the Net value of 0.30 and value negative IRR; This means that for the <br />type of large pelagic fish resources are not worth the investment. Whereas the results of the <br />analysis of the dynamic model of optimal investment level, on the utilization of small pelagic <br />fish resources in the waters of Sambas Regency is a dynamic model in scenario 1 (Optimum-<br />Optimum Yield Effort), demersal fish resources from each scenario is a scenario that most <br />good and worthy of being able to provide bigger profits for a period of eight years. <br /> <br />Keywords: economy, investments, utilization, capture fisheries, Sambas Regency.</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Desa Di Kecamatan Waysulan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan 2019-05-09T02:07:42+00:00 Rusmianto Rusmianto Maryani Maryani <p>Village financial performance reflects the village's ability to manage its resources. The <br />performance of village financial management will determine whether or not the village funds <br />are reached. As one of the public entities, village funds are one of the sources of income for <br />the village that is used to finance various village expenditures in the form of village <br />administration spending, village development spending, community development spending, <br />and community empowerment spending. Local government efforts to extract funding sources <br />derived from regional potentials and the ability to manage and utilize funding sources are <br />finally reflected in the Village Budget (APBDesa). Efficient and effective village fund <br />management is expected to improve village financial performance which in turn is expected <br />to improve the welfare of rural communities. This study aims to determine the financial <br />performance of the village in Waysulan District, South Lampung Regency. Financial <br />performance is approached with 3 financial ratios, namely: independence ratio, efficiency <br />ratio and growth ratio. Based on the discussion that has been done before, it can be <br />concluded that in general the village financial performance in Waysulan District has not yet <br />been resolved. This can be seen with an average independence ratio of 2.05% from a 100% <br />scale, 100% efficiency ratio, and a growth ratio of 35%. Therefore, each village should be <br />able to increase the financial performance of the village so that village funds can be <br />benefited by the community <br /> <br />Keywords: Village Financial, APBDesa, Government</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi Syariah di Kota Bandar Lampung (Studi Kasus Koperasi Syariah BMT Muamalah) 2019-05-09T02:07:42+00:00 Nurmala Nurmala <p>This study aims to analyze the financial performance of Islamic cooperatives in the <br />city of Bandar Lampung, especially the Islamic cooperative BMT Muamalah, which is <br />a Sharia cooperative in the Lampung State Polytechnic. Assessment of financial <br />performance is based on the ministerial regulations of cooperatives and small and <br />medium enterprises No. 35.3 / Per / M.KUKM / X / 2007. Based on the results and <br />discussion shows that the Islamic cooperative BMT Muamalah in Bandar Lampung <br />City in 2015 and 2016 showed an average score of 78.60. According to the ministerial <br />regulations of cooperatives and small and medium enterprises No. 35.3 / Per / <br />M.KUKM / X / 2007 concerning guidelines for health assessment of sharia financial <br />services cooperatives and sharia financial services units, the MuTalah BMT <br />cooperative in Bandar Lampung is included in the criteria of being quite healthy. <br /> <br />Keywords: Bandar Lampung, Muamalah, financial performance, and Islamic <br />cooperatives.</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Manajemen Risiko Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa 2019-05-09T02:07:43+00:00 Asbeni Asbeni Sunardi Sunardi <p>The increase in funds received by each village all devices of the village should be ready and <br />able to manage those funds with transparent and accountable in order to avoid legal issues. <br />Therefore, it is very important the presumably conducted research on the risk management <br />of the financial management of the village. As for the goal of the research is to identify, <br />measure and strategy of financial management of the village. This research is a case study in <br />the village Bay and the village of Sekura Swell Sub Sacred Bay with respondents Councilor. <br />Data required primary data is sourced from an interview through the questionnaire and <br />FGD and secondary data obtained from the study of librarianship. The analysis of the data <br />used is with the SWOT and QSPM. Data processing is carried out with the help of Microsoft <br />Excel. Internal identification results are: 1)the already high level of education; 2)Regulation <br />of the 56th Government village is getting better; 3)coordination with subordinate and BPD <br />is already good; 4 the performance of the device has not been fullest village; 5)device <br />capabilities are categorized as low; f) knowledge of the Administration is still low; 6)still <br />focuses on infrastructure development; 7)haven't been able to capitalize on SDA; 8)internal <br />control systems are still weak. While the Eksternalnya factors are: 1)the magnitude of the <br />ADD-ON brings; 2)progress of information technology; 3)oversight by BPD is getting <br />better; 4)Regulation of financial governance of the village is already good; 5)lack of <br />transparency; 6)the uncertain political conditions; 7)less supervision of society; 8)there are <br />still proposals are a desire, not a necessity; 9)understanding of the public about the <br />legislation in force; 10)quality development results are not yet in compliance with the <br />planning. The average level of risk: risk of planning (with a value of 4.4); the risk of <br />implementation (4.8); the risk of administering, reporting, and accountability (4.2); and risk <br />oversight (4.3). Financial management strategies and their importance, namely: 1)increased <br />understanding of the planning and supervision on the activities in the village; <br />2)strengthening regulation on management and governance by making use of information <br />technology; 3)improve the quality of planning, implementation, and monitoring; 4)increased <br />the capacity and capabilities of the device with the science and technology advances to <br />financial management, the utilization of SDA and the making of the regulation; 5)enhance <br />coordination to provide an understanding of the legislation and transparency <br /> <br />Keywords: finance, financial management, risk management</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Perpektif Perbankan Tentang Keputusan Pendanaan Modal Kerja Bagi UMKM 2019-05-09T02:07:43+00:00 Endang Asliana Arti Arditha R Dian Nirmala Dewi <p>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) work as engines of economic growth. <br />Promotion of MSMEs, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia, includes those <br />that absorb a relatively high workforce, dependence on indigenous skills and technology, <br />contribute to the development of entrepreneurship and innovation and the growth of <br />industrial relations. This research attempts to summarize the banking perspective in <br />providing credit to MSMEs. The purpose of this study is to find out the reasons banks are <br />reluctant to provide loans to MSME banks. Take bank credit analysts in Bandar Lampung as <br />a sample to answer the research questionnaire. The Z test is used to test hypotheses with a <br />statistical significance level of 0.05. The test in this study was processed using a <br />computerized Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) program. Data collected as <br />many as 60 respondents through a questionnaire prepared by using a non-probability <br />sampling / purposive sampling method. The research findings show that the terms and <br />conditions of loans stipulated by banks are not easy to fulfill by MSMEs, so banks are <br />reluctant to provide loans to MSMEs <br /> <br />Keywords: MSMEs, Credit Analysts, Customers, Banks</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Bungkil Inti Sawit sebagai Media Biokonversi Produksi Massal Larva Maggot dan Uji Respon Pemberian pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) 2019-05-09T02:07:43+00:00 Rietje J.M Bokau Tutu Petrus Basuki <p>The results of palm kernel extraction produce palm kernel oil (PKO) and by-products in the <br />form of palm kernel meal (PKM). Utilization of PKM as a raw material for fish feed, another <br />development of its utilization is as a medium for the bioconversion process in producing <br />maggot, the larvae of Hermetia illucens known as the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) as fish feed. <br />Bioconversion is a process that changes the shape of a product / material that is less <br />valuable into a valuable product by using biological agents (living things: insects). Mass <br />production of maggot larvae is carried out through the stage of BSF egg production in the <br />cage. The eggs harvested are then stocked on fermented PKM media using probiotics mixed <br />into water at different doses, namely: 0% (F0), 1% (F1), 2% (F2), 3% (F3), and 4% (F4), <br />water + probiotics are mixed into PKM media weighed 1 kg each until the media becomes <br />moist and left for 2 days. Then the petri dish is filled with eggs 1 gram each and placed on <br />the PKM media. The bioconversion process takes place 7-10 days later maggot larvae can <br />be harvested. The highest maggot biomass in 3% (F3) + probiotic water fermentation <br />treatment is 805 grams / kg media, the highest percentage of maggot size is medium (1-<br />1.5cm) 35-66% with the highest protein content of 50.58%, while the small size ( &lt;1cm) 21-<br />32% protein 48.67% and large size (&gt; 1.5cm) 21-30% with protein 48.58%. Giving maggot <br />larvae as fresh feed is very well responded by fish. <br /> <br />Keywords: Palm Kernel Meal (PKM), Bioconversion, Biomasa Maggot</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Budidaya Ikan Dalam Ember “Budikdamber” dengan Aquaponik di Lahan Sempit 2019-05-09T02:07:43+00:00 Juli Nursandi Juli Nursandi <p>The purpose of this study is to obtain a system of fish farming in small media, not requiring <br />extensive land, cheap, easily available media and technology that can be done by everyone. <br />This research is expected to be able to be a solution to the problem of the limitations of fish <br />farming land, the problem of decreasing aquaculture availability and the problem of animal <br />protein needs of fish in the community. The research stages consist of: (a). Designing a fish <br />farming system in a bucket (b). The series of fish farming systems in buckets (c). <br />Performance test of the cultivation system in buckets (d). Summarize and recommend the <br />results of the bucket farming system. The results of the study obtained a system design of fish <br />farming in buckets (Budikdamber) which was tested by the maintenance of catfish and kale <br />plants. The results of the study of catfish culture in buckets of 60 liters which were carried <br />out for 42 days maintenance resulted in SR 41 - 70%, harvest biomass reached 2440 gr with <br />an average weight per fish of 71.76 gr, spinach produced as many as 42 bunches. The system <br />of catfish farming in a medium of 60 liters of bucket proved to be used as a solution for fish <br />farming, especially on narrow land. <br /> <br />Keywords: Aquaculture in narrow land, Budikdamber, Akuaponik, Urban Farming</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Evaluasi Biomassa dan Kandungan Nutrisi Magot (Hermetia illucens) Pada Media Budidaya yang Berbeda 2019-05-09T02:07:43+00:00 Nur Indariyanti Epro Barades <p>Feed is a very important factor in the cultivation of fisheries and is the largest component, <br />which is around 50-60% of production. One of the efforts to reduce feed costs is by using <br />maggot as an alternative substitute for fish meal and can be given in the form of fresh to fish. <br />Maggot (Hermetia illucens) is an organism originating from a black soldier egg known as a <br />decaying organism because it consumes organic materials. The advantage of maggot is that <br />it has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties, so it does not cary a disease agent. Maggot <br />has a crude protein content of 30-45%, so it is very potential as an alternative feed for fish. <br />The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of maggot culture media on biomass and <br />maggot nutrient content. This activity was carried out at the Fisheries Laboratory of the <br />Lampung State Polytechnic. The tools and materials used were maggot eggs, Palm Kernel <br />Meal (PKM), fish waste, coconut cake and bran, digital scales, basins. The research method <br />used was an experimental method with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting <br />of 4 levels and 3 repetitions, with treatment: A = PKM media, B = fish waste media, C <br />=coconut cake media, D = bran media. The parameters observed were maggot biomass, <br />maggot content and also maggot fatty acid. The results showed that the optimal media for <br />biomass and maggot nutrient content were fish waste ( catfish fillet waste), which was <br />maggot biomass of 435.2, with a protein content of 44.58%, 4.89% fat, crude fiber 8.02%, <br />linolenic acid 1.98 and linoleic acid 3.67 <br /> <br />Keywords: Biomass, cultivation media, maggot,nutrition content</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Rancang Model Implementasi Kebijakan Publik Melalui Pendekatan Nilai Budaya Lampung 2019-05-09T02:07:43+00:00 Selvi Diana Meilinda Azima Dimyati <p>The research objective is to parse the model of implementing public policy with a cultural <br />value approach. Based on a study of the case study of the sambayan sakay value in Tulang <br />Bawang Regency, which was included, included in the implementation of the Simultaneous <br />Building Village (GSMK) Movement program. perceptions of leaders, that the process of <br />formulation and approach to implementation is designed according to the direction of <br />thought leaders towards the surrounding cultural environment Second, cultural values. <br />Cultural values are the basic foundation used as guidelines for implementing <br />implementation. A culture that is easy to understand and is universal in its manifestation <br />with gambling is adopted in the implementation of the program. The habit of the community <br />about the culture also supports the successful implementation of the program. You can <br />imagine when the culture is not known by the local community, of course it cannot be <br />embodied. Third, System, Strategy and Structure (3S). These three factors are the shield of <br />how the results of the leader's perception of the environment make it a cultural value. Both <br />those born from the leader's own perception or cultural values that already exist in the <br />community. The two factors then gave birth to a formulation related to the program system <br />that will be implemented, a strategy on how the cultural values will guide the implementation <br />and formation of the policy implementation structure. <br /> <br />Keywords: policy implementation, cultural approach, sakay sambayan value.</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Partisipasi Berbasis Perilaku dalam Pengelolaan Program Partisipatif di Provinsi Lampung 2019-05-09T02:07:43+00:00 Dedy Hermawan Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung <p>Participation is the approach that has become a trend in the design of government programs <br />related to social welfare. Through different events. This study aims to examine the behavior-<br />based community interaction model. The type of research used in this study is quantitative <br />research using experimental research conducted using the Pretest-Posttest Design Group <br />Control model with one kind of observation in one experimental group and one comparison <br />group. The results of this study were conducted in the experimental group which gave a <br />higher speed than the control group, including the model used to find and change the <br />knowledge of the target group. In addition to strengthening personal abilities with <br />community-based models, the community has the ability to strengthen social groups: others, <br />are able to work with others, are independent, have the ability to appear in public (public <br />speaking), care for others, and have an attitude towards group information. <br /> <br />Keywords: Community Participation, Government Programs, Community Behavioral</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pengembangan Media Komik sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD) Kabupaten Sambas 2019-05-09T02:07:44+00:00 Salahuddin Salahuddin Vanie Wijaya Sriwahyuni Sriwahyuni <p>This study aims to yield teaching materials product such as social science comic for third <br />grades students in primary school in helping to implement fun learning methods.The method <br />used is research and development methods.The subject of the study was the third grade <br />students of SDN 6 Sambas Regency. In this study, explained in detail about the steps taken in <br />making comics, starting from pre-production, production, to post-production. Making comic <br />media refers to the stages of Borg and Gell development consisting of preliminary study, <br />development, field testing, and product dissemination and socialization stages.This product <br />has an output that is formed in printed comic, which is made with clip studio paint ex <br />ver.1.7.3 and coreldraw x7.The feasibility of comic media for learning is reviewed based on <br />the assessment of media experts is 4.10 (suitability of the curriculum, correctness of the <br />content and method of presentation of material including good criteria), expert material is <br />3.90 (considerations of production, visual design, and technical quality including good <br />criteria) and assessment of students at the field test stage of 4.10 (including good criteria), <br />wider field test 4.25 (including very good criteria), and operational tests 4.13 (including <br />good criteria). This the comic learning products from the development of textbooks are <br />worth using because based on the stipulation that media products are said to be feasible if <br />the results of the assessment are minimal on good criteria <br /> <br />Keywords : Comic of Social Sciences, Learning Media, Class III Elementary School</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Analisis Kepuasan Penggunaan E-Learning Politeknik Negeri Lampung 2019-05-09T02:07:44+00:00 Zuriati Zuriati Dewi Kania Widyawati Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang Agus Buono <p>This study aims to analyze the level of satisfaction of the use of e-learning website Lampung <br />State Polytechnic in the dimensions of Reliability, Certainty, Physical Appearance, Emphaty, <br />and Responsiveness. Analysis was carried out with the aim of knowing the perceptions of e-<br />learning users on e-learning performance, analyst results will be used as input in the process <br />of developing and maintaining e-learning later.E-learning has been applied to the <br />Informatics Management program at the Lampung State Polytechnic. The study population <br />was Lampung State Polytechnic e-learning users, with a total sample of 82 respondents. The <br />research method used is descriptive research. The sampling technique uses proportional <br />random sampling. Data processing uses validity test, reliability test, and qualitative analysis. <br />The results of the validity test and reliability test show that all variables are valid and <br />reliable, because the value of r count&gt; r table. R table obtained is 0.217 with α = 5%. The <br />results of the qualitative analysis concluded that the respondents who were Strongly <br />Disagree (STS) were 1%, Disagree (TS) as much as 5%, Enough Agree (CS) as much as <br />31%, Setuju (S) as much as 47%, and Strongly Agree (SS) as much as 17%. From the total <br />results of the analysis of respondents to agree (S) and strongly agree (SS) a number of 64% <br />to eat it can be concluded that the performance of e-learning is good. <br /> <br />Keywords : Analysis of customer satisfaction, qualitative analysis, e-learning, reliability <br />testing, validity testing.</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pemanfaatan Trichocompost untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Bibit Lada Perdu 2019-05-09T02:07:44+00:00 Adryade Reshi Gusta Made Same <p>Shrub pepper seedlings contained of trichoderma are that contain fungi Trichoderma <br />harzianum in the form of trichocompost planting media. This study aims to determine the <br />best variety of pepper and on growth of shrub pepper seedling and trchocompost <br />fertilizer dosage on growth of pepper seedling. The study was carried out in the <br />nursery of Politeknik Negeri Lampung as long as 6 month since july 2018. This study <br />used a randomized block design. The first factor is variety of pepper seedlings <br />consisting of two levels, V1 = Natar 1 and V2 = Natar 2. The second factor is the <br />four levels of trichocompost fertilizer, T0 = topsoil 100% , T1 = top soil and <br />trichocompost with 75% :25%, T2 = top soil and trichocompost with 50% : 25%, dan T3 = <br />top soil and trichocompost with 50% : 50%. Each treatment was repeated three times. <br />The results showed that giving trichocompost fertilizer is significantly to increase in <br />plant height shrub pepper seedlings. Natar 1 and Natar 2 showed the same of plant <br />height shrub pepper seedlings, number of seed leaves, stem diameter, number of <br />primary branches. <br /> <br />Keywords: Trichocompost fertilizer, shrub pepper seedling, growth.</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pengaruh Aplikasi Paclobutrazol dan KNO3 Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Pembungaan Anggrek Tebu (Grammatophyllum speciosum blume) 2019-05-09T02:07:44+00:00 Elly Nuriah Nuriah Marveldani Marveldani Feni Shintarika <p>The Grammatophyllum speciosum is a rare orchid and it is protected. It has a big clump, <br />with the numbers of buds about 50-100 in each stem and its flower has yellow color with red <br />brownish spots. The sugarcane orchid is very good to be used for the parent in producing <br />hybrid orchid, however Grammatophyllum speciosum is very difficult to bloom, so that it <br />requires a flowering induction. The objective of this research was to find out whether the <br />paclobutrazol and KNO3 application can accelerate the flowering of Grammatophyllum <br />speciosum. This research used completely randomized design with some factorials. The first <br />factor was the concentrations of paclobutrazol of 0 mg.1-1, 1000 mg.1-1, 2000 mg.1-1, and <br />3000 mg.1-1. The second factor was the concentrations of KNO3 of 0 mg.1-1, 500 mg.1-1, <br />1000 mg.1-1, and 2000 mg.1-1. Each treatment combination was repeated three times. The <br />treatment application was started from the 1 week orchid after the orchid was moved from <br />one pod to another. The paclobutrazol spraying was conducted 4 times in 2 weeks interval, <br />and KNO3 spraying was conducted 8 times in 1 week interval. The observation was made a <br />day before application and 1 month after application. Variables to observe included <br />numbers of vegetation, buds, vegetation height, bulb stem height, bud height, stem <br />circumference, and numbers of leafs. The research result showed that the paclobutraziol and <br />KNO3 applications were not able to induce flowering of Grammatophyllum speciosum. The <br />treatment with 3000 mg.1-1 paclobutrazol was able to improve the stem circumference. <br /> <br />Keywords : growth, flowering, Grammatophyllum speciosum, paclobutrazol, KNO3.</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Efikasi Ekstrak Buah Makasar (Bruceae Javanica L. merr.) untuk Mengendalikan Larva Spodoptera litura f. 2019-05-09T02:07:44+00:00 Hamdani Hamdani Dedi Supriyatdi Febrina Delvitasari <p>The S. litura larvae often cause damage to the leaves of legume, corn, rice, onion, lettuce, <br />mustard, cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, and banana leaves. In general, people use synthetic <br />insecticides to control it, although it is proven to cause environmental pollution, the <br />emergence of resistance and pest resurgence. To reduce these impacts, it is necessary to look <br />for alternative control methods that are safe, effective, and compatible with Integrated Pest <br />Management techniques. Alternative controls that meet these criteria include botanical <br />insecticides, because they are more specific, do not pollute the environment, are easily <br />degraded in nature, and do not quickly cause resistance. Simaroubaceae family plants <br />contain pesticides with active quasinoid compounds. One species of Simaroubaceae is <br />Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. which is known as the Makasar fruit which contains alkaloid <br />compounds, quassinoids (Bruceantine, bruceantinol, brusatol, bruceine), polyphenols, <br />tannins and essential oils. Four quasinoid compounds from Samadera indica namely <br />indakuasin, samaderin A, B, and C are inhibiting food, slowing development, and causing <br />pupa death from Spodoptera litura caterpillar F. To control S. litura larvae in various plants <br />and further research and development needs, then conducted a study "Effication of Macassar <br />Fruit Extracts (Bruceae javanicaL. Merr.) to Control S. litura Larvae". The study used a <br />randomized design with seven treatments and four replications. The seven treatments are <br />fresh makasar fruit boiled extract, dry skinless makasar fruit boiled extract, dry skinned <br />makasar fruit boiled extract, fresh makasar fruit fermented extract, skinless dry makasar <br />fruit fermented extract, makasar dry skinned fruit fermented extract, and synthetic Lamda <br />fruit insecticide cyhalothrin (as a control) with four replications. Fermentation extract is <br />quite effective and can cause mortality of 61.7% to 63.3%. Boiled extract is less effective <br />than boiled extract, which is only capable of causing 40.0% to 41.6% mortality. <br /> <br />Keywords: macasar fruit, S. litura, vegetable insecticides</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi Melalui Introduksi Varietas Unggul dan Sistem Tanam Jarwo di Rawa Lebak Provinsi Sumatera Selatan 2019-05-09T02:07:44+00:00 Suparwoto Suparwoto Waluyo Waluyo <p>The assessment was carried out in two locations, namely in Ogan Ilir Regency and Ogan <br />Komering Ilir Regency, starting from January 2017 to December 2017. The aim was 1) <br />Increasing the productivity of rice in swampy lands and farmers 'income and, 2) Farmers' <br />preference for rice varieties introduced . The superior varieties introduced were Inpari 9, <br />Inpari 30, Inpari 33, Inpara 4 and comparative varieties (IR 42 and Mekongga) and jajar <br />legowo planting systems 2: 1 (50 x 25 x 12.5 cm). The seeds used are 30-35 days after <br />spreading, with twice the seedlings because the surface of the puddle is still high. The <br />number of seeds 2-3 seeds / hole and fertilizer used 150 kg Urea, 100 kg SP-36 and 100 kg <br />KCl / ha. Inpari 9 and Inpara 4 varieties are better than Mekongga and IR 42 with <br />production of 7.6-7.7 tons of GKP / ha in the mode of liking and are very preferred by the <br />farmers of Awal Terusan Village, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. Then Inpari 9, Inpari 30, <br />Inpari 33 and Inpara 4 with a productivity of 6.3 - 8.0 tons GKP / ha higher than IR 42 (5.0 <br />tons gkp / ha) are very much liked by the farmers of Serijabo Village, Ogan Ilir Regency. The <br />average income of farmers during the planting season of rice farming during the dry season <br />in Serijabo village is Rp. 13,780,000 / ha with a BC ratio of 1.8. The income of rice farming <br />farmers in Awal Terusan Village is Rp. 12,370,000 / ha with a BC ratio of 1.6. From the <br />criteria used if the BC ratio is ≥ 1, high-yield rice farming is feasible and profitable. <br /> <br />Keywords: Jajar legowo, productivity, income, superior varieties</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pertumbuhan Vegetatif, Akar, dan Nodula Tanaman Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata L.) Akibat Pemberian Kompos Azolla (Azolla pinnata) Bentuk Pellet dan Calsium Carbonate (CaCO3) Tanah Ultisols Masam 2019-05-09T02:07:44+00:00 Iwan Gunawan Raida Kartina <p>Ultisols are the most extensive land order, reaching 48.3 million hectares or 29.7% of the <br />land area of Indonesia. Development of food crops and horticulture farming on this land will <br />face many obstacles related to the nature of this land. Ultisols are soil that is sensitive to <br />erosion, low fertility and reacts sourly to very acidic.Ultisols are generally low in soil <br />fertility caused by high levels of acidity, low nutrient content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and Mo <br />and high levels of Al, Fe and Mn elements which often reach levels that are harmful to <br />growth. . In addition, the high element Al, Fe da Mn in Ultisols can also bind P nutrients <br />into insoluble and not available to plants. This study aims to obtain the composition of azolla <br />(Azolla pinnata) form of pellets and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) which can provide the <br />highest growth and yield of mungbean (Vigna radiata) plants in acidic Ultisols. The study <br />was carried out in the Lampung State Polytechnic practice garden, from July 2018 to <br />October 2018. The study was arranged in factorial in a randomized block design (RBD) with <br />16 treatment combinations and 3 replications, so that there were 48 experimental units. The <br />treatment combination is as follows: The first factor is the dose of pelleted azolla compost <br />(A) which consists of 4 levels, namely: a0 = without azolla compost, a1 = 10 tons ha-1<br />, a2 = 20 tons ha-1, and a3 = 30 tons ha- 1. The second factor is the Dolomite dose (D) which <br />consists of 4 levels, namely: c0 = without dolomite c1 = 1.5 tons Ha-1Dolomite, c2 = 3 tons Ha- 1<br />Dolomite, and c3 = 4 tons Ha-1 Dolomite. The target to be achieved in this study is to <br />find out the response of the variables observed, namely: (1) plant dry weight (g), (2) root dry <br />weight and (3) number of root nodules (grains). Pelleted azolla compost increase the growth <br />of root nodules, root dry weight and shoot dry weight of mung bean on the Taman Bogo <br />Lampung Ultisols soil. Dolomite increases the number of root nodules but has no significant <br />effect on the root dry weight and shoot dry weight of mungbean on the soil of Taman Bogo <br />Lampung Ultisols. Compost azolla and dolomite lime work independently on the lands of the <br />Bogo Lampung Taman Ultisols. <br /> <br />Keywords: Ultisol, Pelleted Azolla Compost, Dolomite, Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L)</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Tingkat Kesukaan Hama Plutella xylostella dan Belalang (Locusta migratoria) Terhadap Tanaman Kubis Bunga (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) Dataran Rendah yang diberi Kompos Azolla dan Pupuk NPK 2019-05-09T02:07:45+00:00 Raida Kartina Ferziana Ferziana Iwan Gunawan <p>This study aims to study (1) the level of Plutella pest preference, and (2) the level of grasshopper (Locusta sp) pest preference for lowland cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis L.) on various combinations of Azolla compost and NPK fertilizer. The research was carried out in the Horticulture practice land of Lampung Polytechnic in July 2018 to September 2018. The study was arranged in factorial in a randomized block design (RBD) with 9 treatment combinations and 3 replications, so that there were 27 experimental units. The combination of treatment is as follows: The first factor is Azolla bulk compost (A) which consists of 3 levels of dosis namely: a1 = 2 tons Ha-1, a2 = 4 tons Ha-1, and a3 = 6 tons Ha-1. The second factor is the dosage of NPK fertilizer (B) which consists of 3 dosage levels, namely b1 = 0 kg ha-1, b2 = 100 kg ha-1 and b3 =200 kg ha-1. Observations were made on the intensity of Plutella xylostella and Grasshopper (Locusta sp) attacks. at the age of 17 days (1) and age 24 days (2). The data was tested by F test and the difference in treatment was followed by the smallest real difference test (LSD) level of 5%. The results obtained from the F test on the variable intensity of Plutella xylostella attack (1) were observed: azolla and NPK compost doses affected the intensity of xylostella plutella attack at the age of 17 days, while at 24 days the dose of azolla and NPK compost had no effect on pest attack this. So until the age of 17 days the administration of azolla and NPK compost still causes pests. Xylostella plutella likes flower cabbage leaves, while at the age of 24 days the flower of cabbage leaves has not been favored by these pests. For locust pests (Locusta sp), azolla dose and azolla interaction with NPK fertilizer significantly affected the attack of locust pests (Locusta sp) on cabbage flowers aged 17 days, while at the age of 24 days, only NPK doses affected the locust attack on flower cabbage plants. Thus, the adequacy of nitrogen nutrient supply causes high Plutella xylostella pest preference until the plant age of 17 days and decreases in plant age of 24 days, while for locust pest (Locusta sp) the level of preference continues until the plant age of 24 days. <br /> <br />Keywords: Azolla compost, NPK Fertilizer, Plutella xylostella, Grasshopper (Locusta sp), Cabbage Flower</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pengaruh Electrical Conductivity (EC) Larutan Nutrisi Hidroponik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Melon (Cucumis melo L.) 2019-05-09T02:07:45+00:00 Rizka Novi Sesanti <p>This research aims to obtain EC values that produce the best plant growth. This study used <br />five EC treatment of nutrients ( 1 mS / cm, 2 mS / cm, 3 mS / cm, 4 mS / cm, and 5 mS / cm). <br />Each treatment was applied to the randomized block design (RBD) with 4 replications and <br />the least significant diference (LSD) was used to separate means at 0,05 significant level.. <br />Based on the results of data analysis it is known that the best EC value for melon growth is 5 <br />mS / cm, because it produces plant height and number of leaves more higher than EC 1 mS / <br />cm and 2 mS / cm, but as good as EC 3 mS / cm and 4 mS / cm in the 5 week after planting. <br />Besides that EC 5 mS / cm also produces leaf width more higher than EC 1 mS / cm but as <br />good as EC 2 mS / cm, EC 3 mS / cm and 4 mS / cm in the 7 week after planting. However, if <br />you consider the many uses of nutrients during the cultivation process, the best EC is EC 3 <br />mS / cm. <br /> <br />Keywords : EC, hydroponic, melon, nutrient</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pengaruh Ukuran dan Vernalisasi Umbi Terhadap Umur Berbunga dan Kualitas Bunga Sedap Malam (Polianthes tuberose L.) 2019-05-09T02:07:45+00:00 Suci Rahmawati Marveldani Marveldani Siti Novridha Andini <p>Tuberose Flower (Polianthes tuberose L.) is an ornamental plant from Mexico, which is <br />widely cultivated as cut flowers. The demand of consumer is increasing especially on public <br />holidays, therefore to produce large quantities of cut flowers, a large number of seeds are <br />needed. This researchaims to determine the difference in bulb size and vernalization of <br />tubers for growth, age of flowering and the quality of the tuberose flowers. The research <br />was conducted at Lampung State Polytechnic's land in February 2017 - February 2018, <br />using Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors. The first factor is bulb size, <br />diameter small (0,8 – 1 cm), medium (1,1 – 1,3 cm) and large (1,4 – 1,6 cm). The second <br />factor is vernalization treatment; by vernalization (temperature ± 5 – 8 ºC) for 3 months, and <br />without vernalization. Each treatment was repeated three times. Data were analyzed using <br />analysis of variance, the difference in means value was tested using the Duncan Multiple <br />Range Test at a significant level of 5%. The result showed that the medium sized bulb gave <br />the highest of plant 36,42 cm. The highest number of leaves was obtained from the large <br />sized bulb 18,15 leaves. Large sized bulb could accelerate the age of appearance of stalk <br />(26,55 MST) and harvesting flowers (31,05 MST). Large sized bulb have the highest number <br />of seedlings, that is 12,17 tubers. Vernalization doesn’t affect the tubers for growth, age of <br />flowering and the quality of the tuberose flowers. <br /> <br />Keywords: Poliantes tuberose, Tuber size, and Vernalization.</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Peranan Pupuk Organik Bio-Fosfat terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Beberapa Varietas Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea, L) 2019-05-09T02:07:45+00:00 Yuriansyah Yuriansyah <p>The general objective of the research is to obtain sustainable land recovery technology as <br />aresult of intensive use of artificial chemical fertilizers. The specific purpose of this research <br />is: a). a). Get the optimal dose of biophosphate fertilizer for the growth and yield of several <br />varieties of peanuts, b). Get peanut varieties that have high productivity, c). Look at the <br />interaction between bio-phosphate doses and peanut varieties. The study was conducted at <br />the Lampung State Polytechnic Practice Garden from July to December 2017. The study was <br />a factorial experiment in a randomized block design consisting of 2 factors. As the first <br />factor is the dose of biophosphate fertilizer, namely: P0 = 0 kg/ha, P1 = 50 kg/ha, P2 = <br />100 kg/ha and P3 = 150 kg/ha. While the second factor is peanut varieties, namely: V1 = <br />Gajah, V2 = Kelinci, and V3 = Takar, so that 12 treatment combinations are obtained. If <br />there is a difference in the middle value, it is followed by a test of honest difference (BNJ) at <br />the level of 5%. Based on the results of the study some conclusions can be drawn; (a) The <br />provision of bio-phosphate treatment at a dose of 50 kg / ha gives the highest plant height <br />compared to other treatments, while the Takar variety has a higher plant height compared to <br />Gajah and Kelinci. (b) The provision of bio-phosphate treatment of 150 kg / ha gave the <br />lowest yield of pods compared to 100 kg / ha and 0 kg / ha of bio-phosphate, while the Takar <br />variety gave a better number of filled pods compared to Gajah and Kelinci. (c) The content <br />of pods per plant gives the same results as the number of filled pods. <br /> <br />Keywords : bio-phosphate, peanut, organic.</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Respons Pertumbuhan Jagung Manis Terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Kalium dan Arang Sekam 2019-05-09T02:07:45+00:00 Zainal Mutaqin Hidayat Saputra Destieka Ahyuni <p>Fertilization is one way to improve fertility to increase the growth of sweet corn. One of the <br />essential nutrients needed by sweet corn is potassium. Potassium can be obtained from <br />inorganic fertilizers such as KCl or organic fertilizers, such as husk ash. The purpose of this <br />study was to determine the best potassium fertilizer dose to increase the growth of sweet <br />corn. The treatment was arranged factorially consisting of 2 factors and using a randomized <br />block design. The first factor are the dose of potassium fertilizer (K) which consists of: 4 <br />levels of dose: 0 kg / ha KCl (K0), 50 kg / ha KCl (K1), 100 kg / ha KCl, and 150 kg / ha KCl <br />(K3). The second factor is the dose of husk ash, which is 0 tons / ha husk ash (S0) and 1 ton / <br />ha husk ash (S1), so there are 8 treatment combinations. Each treatment combination was <br />repeated three times, so that there were 24 experimental unit plots. The variables observed <br />included: plant height, number of leaves, and stem diameter. Potassium fertilizer application <br />is carried out once at the age of 1 week after planting and application of ash husk 1 week <br />before planting. The data obtained were then analyzed and then continued with Duncan's <br />Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at the level of α = 5%. The results showed that there were no <br />interactions between potassium fertilizer and husk ash at the height, number of leaves, and <br />diameter of sweet corn plants. Potassium fertilizer has a significant effect on increasing <br />plant height and stem diameter of sweet corn plants at 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 MST. But there is <br />no significant effect on the number of sweet corn leaves. Husk ash application has no <br />significant effect on all observed variables. Application of potassium fertilizer at a dose of <br />150 kg / ha is able to produce the best growth of sweet corn by increasing plant height and <br />stem diameter. <br /> <br />Keywords : Sweet Corn, Potassium, Husk Ash</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pengaruh Formula Pembenah Tanah Organik Granul Terhadap Sifat Kimia Tanah Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Pada Lahan Kering Masam 2019-05-09T02:07:45+00:00 IGM. Subiksa <p>Acid upland needs to be managed intensively to overcome the inherent constraints of the <br />physical and chemical properties of the soil. Research on the effect of granular organic soil <br />amendment formula to the soil chemical properties and plant growth on acid upland was <br />carried out in the greenhouse.The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of granular <br />organic soil amendment formulas that have been enriched with humic compounds as a <br />substitute for lime to improve soil chemical properties and plant growth. The study was <br />conducted with a pot experiment using a randomized block design with 10 treatments and 3 <br />replications. The treatments are consist of 3 types of soil amendment, namely lime, chicken <br />manure compost (CMC) and cow dung compost (CDC), each with 3 dosage levels. <br />Mungbean plants are used as indicators planted in pots with 3 plants each. The results <br />revealed that lime as soil amendment quickly increased soil pH and decreased exchangable <br />Aluminium (Exch-Al). Meanwhile the formula CMC is superior in increasing soil organic <br />carbon. The CMC also increase soil pH and reduce the exch-Al levels, but the intensity is <br />lower than lime. The CDC soil amendment has less effect on increasing pH and neutralizing <br />exch-Al. The CMC soil amendment can increase the growth and production of mungbean. <br />Mungbean dry biomass increased about 60% and grain production increased about 56% <br />compared to control treatment. The growth and production of mungbean from CMC <br />treatment is better than lime treatment. It can be concluded that chicken manure compost <br />and cow dung compost can be used to substitute of lime as soil amendment on acid upland. <br /> <br />Keyword: acid upland, lime, manure, productivity, soil amendment</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pengelolaan dan Distribusi Produksi Benih Sumber Padi di Sumatera Selatan 2019-05-09T02:07:45+00:00 Waluyo Waluyo Suparwoto Suparwoto <p>Superior varieties are one of the technologies that play an important role in increasing the <br />quantity and quality of agricultural products. The real contribution of superior varieties to <br />the increase in national rice production is reflected in, among other things, the achievement <br />of rice self-sufficiency in 1984. This is related to the properties possessed by superior rice <br />varieties, including high yield, resistance to pests and major diseases, early maturity suitably <br />developed in certain cropping patterns, and the taste of rice is delicious (fluffier) with <br />relatively high protein levels. The purpose of this activity is increasing the production, <br />quality and distribution of source seeds (staple seeds, scattered seeds) of rice to ensure <br />availability in accordance with user needs, 2) Accelerating the development of superior <br />varieties that are able to increase production, productivity and quality and realize the <br />development of seed and production systems paddy 3) Strengthen seed institutions to ensure <br />seed distribution goes quickly and precisely, and 4) Support efforts to provide quality <br />assisted seeds for farmers. Source seed production activities carried out from January to <br />December 2016 on irrigated paddy fields in East Ogan Komering Ulu District For Unit <br />Processing Centers placed at Kayuagung Experimental Garden. Technically, the timing of <br />field activities adjusts to field conditions. Production of FS, and SS grade rice seedlings <br />using Inpari 22, Inpari 27, Inpari 28, Inpari 29 varieties, with a planting area of 10 <br />hectares. Data collected includes growth and yield performance data. Furthermore the data <br />that has been collected is tabulated and analyzed (quantitatively). The final result of the <br />multiplication of seeds planted in the irrigation area produced certified tons of dry milled <br />rice, consisting of Inpari 27 (FS) varieties of 1270 kg, Inpari 28 (FS) 1680 kg), Inpari 29 <br />(FS) 2160 kg,1600 kg) and Inpari 28 (SS) 1965 kg, and Inpari 22 (SS) 16,035 kg. <br /> <br /> Keywords: Rice, Source Seed, Irrigated Rice Field</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian In Vitro Screening Ketahanan Galur Padi (Oryza sativa) B7 Hasil Rakitan Politeknik Negeri Lampung Terhadap Cekaman pH Lingkungan Tumbuh 2019-05-09T02:07:46+00:00 Onny Chrisna Pandu Pradana Siti Novridha Andini Risa Wentasari <p>This research aimed to invstigate the response of paddy culture (B7 strain) assembled by <br />Lampung State Polytechnic to the pH stress of environment growth. The research was done <br />at Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, Lampung State Polytechnic, from May to August 2018. <br />Treatments were single arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications. <br />The treatment tried was five levels of culture media pH (3.5; 4; 4.5; 5; and 5.8). Each <br />replication consisted of three culture bottle containing one explant. The homogenity of data <br />was tested using Barlett test. If the assumption were fulfilled then analysis of variance is <br />executed using STATISTIX 10, and then followed by the Honest Significant Difference (HSD) <br />test in 5% alpha for mean separation. The result of this research showed that the B7 strain <br />gives the same growth response at various pH levels tested, except at pH 3.5. Thus it can be <br />assumed that the B7 strain has tolerance characteristic to low pH until pH 4. Furthermore, <br />further testing in the field is needed to investigate the yield potential of B7 strain if planted at <br />low pH. <br /> <br />Keywords: paddy strain, in vitro, pH media</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Evaluasi Daya Hasil Lima Varietas Cabai (Capsicum annuum L.) dengan Penggunaan Mulsa Plastik dan Paranet Saat Transplanting 2019-05-09T02:07:46+00:00 Marveldani Marveldani Erie Maulana Desi Maulida <p>Demand for chili at certain times is quite high, but it is not always balanced with the amount <br />of production. This resulted in the price of chili jumping sharply. This study aims to (1) <br />evaluate the yield of five chili varieties’s power using mulch and without mulch, (2) to find <br />out the growth power of five chili varieties after transplanting using 40% paranet and <br />withoutparanet. The study was arranged in factorial (3 factors) with a randomized block <br />design environment. As the first factor are five chili varieties, namely Columbus, Arimbi, <br />Lado, Ferosa, TM 999. The second factor is the use of plastic mulch, which is without mulch <br />and using mulch. The third factor is the use of paranet when transplanting, i.e. without <br />paranet and using paranet. The treatment combination was repeated 3 times. The results <br />showed the highest varieties of fruit weights per plant were Columbus (622 g), followed by <br />Arimbi (391 g), Lado (324 g), TM 999 (126 g), and Ferosa (65 g). The use of 40% paranet <br />when transplanting on beds using black silver plastic mulch can reduce seedling mortality in <br />the field to 46%. The use of black silver and paranet plastic mulch when transplanting can <br />provide the highest fruit weight. <br /> <br />Keywords: mulch, paranet, transplanting, yield</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Bibit Kelapa Sawit Bersertifiat di Provinsi Lampung 2019-05-09T02:07:46+00:00 Bambang Utoy Clara Yolandika Nuni Anggrain <p>Palm oil is one of the leading plantation crops of Lampung which has increased in terms of <br />the area. Successful palm oil plantations are those that have produced fruit with quality and <br />quantity guaranteed in quality. With the vast area of oil palm, the need for quality palm <br />seeds to produce quality production, in order to reduce production failure. Quality palm <br />seedlings can be proven by using seed certificates, commonly called certified seeds. The <br />purpose of a seed certificate is to avoid fraud from seed breeders regarding seed types. <br />Currently the use of certified seeds at farmers level is still very low. The study aims to <br />analyze the marketing mix strategy of certified palm oil seedlings. The method used was <br />descriptive qualitative by describing and interpreting marketing strategy using marketing <br />mix concept. Formulating a certified palm oil seed marketing strategy based on an <br />assessment of the role of variables in the marketing mix implemented. The product strategy <br />was expected to maintain the quality of certified palm oil seedlings. In the pricing strategy <br />was to increase the price compliance with the quality of certified palm oil seedlings and <br />apply discounts for consumers, especially small farmers. For the distribution line mix <br />strategy should be able to shorten the distribution channel of certified palm oil seedlings and <br />supervise the distribution process to the hand of farmers. Then, implementing a promotional <br />mix strategy with more publicized promotional activities and expanding the dissemination of <br />information on certified palm oil seedlings. <br /> <br />Keywords: certified, marketing mix, palm oil, seedling, strategy</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pengaruh Mulsa Organik dan Volume Air Siraman pada Beberapa Sifat Kimia Tanah di Pembibitan Utama Kelapa Sawit 2019-05-09T02:07:46+00:00 Yan Sukmawan Alif K. R. Sesar Yonathan Parapasan Parapasan Dewi Riniarti Bambang Utoyo <p>The availability of water is one of the common factors affecting growth of oil palm seedlings, especially in the main nursery. Palm oil seedlings in the main nursery require about 2,000 ml of -1 . Water loss occurs through transpiration and evaporation. This study aims to obtain the best type of organic mulch in several soil chemical properties, compare the effect of the volume of water on several soil chemical properties, and get the interaction between the types of organic mulch and the volume of water in several soil chemical properties. The study was arranged in a factorial pattern randomized block design with three replications. The first factor is the type of organic mulch, ie without mulch (M0), rice straw mulch (M1), rice husk mulch (M2), and oil palm empty fruit bunches (M4). The second factor is watering volume which consists of two levels, namely 1,000 -1 .plant -1 (V1) and 2,000 -1 .plant -1 (V2). Sample plants consist of three plants. Observations were made on C-organic level, total N-content, P-available level, K level, and soil pH. The results of the observation were tested by analysis of variance and continued with LSD at 95% confidence interval. The results showed that there was no interaction between the application of organic mulch and watering volume. The types of organic mulch of oil palm empty fruit bunches produce the highest soil pH and organic C-level. The watering volume 1,000 -1 .plant -1 and 2,000 -1 .plant -1 has no effect on the soil chemical properties observed. <br /> <br />Keywords: soil properties, subsoil, water efficiency, water loss</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pengaruh Jenis Wadah Semai dan Kombinasi Media Tanam pada Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit di Pembibitan Awal 2019-05-09T02:07:47+00:00 Dewi Riniarti Yan Sukmawan <p>Seed quality has a major effect on the productivity of oil palm plantations. To get oil palm <br />seedlings with growth according to the standard is influenced by the planting medium and <br />maintenance treatment applied in the nursery. This study aims to obtain alternative seedling <br />containers and planting medium that can be used in oil palm nursery. The treatment was <br />arranged factorially in a randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. The first <br />factor is the type of seedling containers (baby polybag, Hyplug 20-VS, Hyplug SH-24, and <br />Hyplug-VS); while the second factor is the composition of the planting medium in the ratio v <br />/ v (sub soil 25%: cocopeat 75%, sub soil 50%: cocopeat 50%, and sub soil 75%: cocopeat <br />25%). The variables observed were: seed height, leaf number, and stem diameter. Observed <br />data were tested by analysis of variance and continued with DMRT test at the level of α = <br />5%. The results showed that there was an interaction between the type of seedling container <br />and the planting medium on the number of leaves of oil palm seedlings. The type of planting <br />medium that has a wider volume and filled with planting medium containing more cocopeat <br />can increase the leaf number of oil palm seedlings. Seedling container that have a wider <br />volume can increase leaf number and stem diameter. Planting medium containing more <br />cocopeat can increase leaf number and stem diameter. <br /> <br />Keywords: cocopeat, container volume, pot tray</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Uji Kualitas Air Hujan Hasil Filtrasi untuk Penyediaan Air Bersih 2019-05-09T02:07:47+00:00 Aniessa Rinny Asnaning Surya Surya Andy Eka Saputra <p>Rainwater is an alternative source of clean water that can be utilized by the community for their daily needs. Collected rainwater even though it is not too polluted, but if it falls through the roof of the building, it still requires effort to purify it into clean water. The simple use of water filters is needed to purify the collected rainwater. The filtering material is gravel, sand, coconut fiber, and activated charcoal arranged in series. Based on data from 2009-2017 obtained the average monthly rainfall of 13.4 mm, so that the potential of collected rainwater from the roof area of 96.72 m2 is 0.91 m3. Test of rainwater quality that fell initially had a temperature value of 27.5 0 C, pH 4.4, the turbidity of 10 NTU, total dissolved solids of 178 ppm, the hardness of 3.69 mg / l, content of heavy metals such as iron &lt;0.11 ppm and lead &lt;0.021 ppm and total coliform 6.1 MPN / l. Filtered rainwater quality have an increase in the pH value of 7.96, the temperature of 28 0 C, and reduce the value of, the turbidity of 2,02 NTU and total dissolved solids of 20,48 ppm. Filtered rainwater can be used as clean water by Permenkes No. 416/MEN.KES/PER/IX/1990 concerning Terms and Supervision of Water Quality. <br /> <br />Keywords: rainwater, filtration, clean water</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Penerapan Irigasi Tetes Emiter Tali Sebagai Alat Pemupukan Melalui Air Irigasi (Fertigasi ) Pada Tanaman Semangka 2019-05-09T02:07:47+00:00 Muhammad Idrus Idrus I Gde Darmaputra Surya Surya Hilman Hidayat <p>The irrigation equipment used is drip emitter irrigation as well as a vertigation tool. The aim <br />of this research is to test the performance of fertilizing rope emitter drip irrigation by <br />fertilizing Urea, ZA and KCl at several doses through irrigation / water irrigation <br />(fertigation) with a 4-day irrigation water supply interval for watermelon plants, measuring <br />the efficiency of nutrient uptake N, P, and K by fertilizing through irrigation / irrigation <br />water (fertigation) and spreading fertilization methods, and determining the dosage of <br />fertilizing Urea, ZA, and KCl of watermelon plants through economical irrigation <br />(fertigation) by obtaining optimal quantity and quality of crop yields. The treatments in the <br />study were DPAS (Fertilization Dosage Recommended Spread), DPAF (Fertilization Dosage <br />Recommended Fertigation) DPAF80 (80% Fertilization Dosage Recommended Fertigation) <br />and DPA0 (without fertilization as a control). Each treatment was repeated 3 times. Data <br />analysis was carried out with variance at the 5% level and then followed by the LSD test at <br />the 5% level. The number of plants harvested for data analysis was 10% of the population of <br />each experimental unit randomly selected. The results showed that the rope emitter drip <br />irrigation device could be used as a fertilizing tool through irrigation water on watermelon <br />plants. Production of watermelon plants by fertigation at recommended dosages of 100% <br />was not significantly different from fertigation at recommended dosages of 80%, but <br />significantly different and higher compared to fertilizing the spread dosage recommended <br />dosage. Fertilizing doses recommended 80% fertigation method with rope emitter drip <br />irrigation can be used on watermelon plants without a significant decrease in production. <br />The efficiency of nutrient uptake of N, P, and K in the way of fertigation using rope emitter <br />drip irrigation is higher than the spread fertilization method. <br /> <br />Keywords: Drip Irrigation, fertigation, watermelon</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Rancang Bangun dan Uji Kinerja Perangkap Panas Mengikuti Posisi Matahari 2019-05-09T02:07:47+00:00 Feby Nopriandy Ari Rianto Suhendra Suhendra <p>The drying process is an important step in the postharvest handling of agricultural materials <br />with the aim of preserving, reducing the volume and weight of the material. Farmers <br />generally do the drying process by drying agricultural material directly in the sun. Drying in <br />this way is very dependent on weather conditions, drying takes place relatively long, <br />cleanliness is poorly maintained, drying quality is relatively uneven and requires a large <br />area. Efforts to overcome these problems are by applying the artificial drying method. <br />Drying air characteristics are needed for successful drying, namely high temperature, low <br />relative humidity and high air velocity. To obtain these characteristics, various types of <br />dryers have been engineered. This research is the development of solar collectors that can <br />move to the position of the sun. The purpose of the research was to design a solar collector <br />to move to the position of the sun, to prove the movement of solar collectors and the speed of <br />fluid flow to the performance of solar collectors. The variables used in the study include <br />solar radiation, ambient temperature, data collection time, speed of fluid flow at the outlet, <br />movement of solar collectors, temperature in the solar collector and the temperature of the <br />solar collector outlet. The speed of fluid flow varied into 3 treatments, while the movement of <br />solar collectors varied by 2 treatments. Data collection starts from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. <br />with the interval of data collection is every 30 minutes. The results of the study show that <br />there is an increase in the performance of solar collectors that move to the position of the <br />sun rather than a silent solar collector of 13.7% in the space of the solar collector and 2.6% <br />at the outlet of the solar collector. <br /> <br />Keywords: dryer, solar collector, sun position</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Modifikasi Mesin Peniris Minyak Sistim Tabung 2019-05-09T02:07:48+00:00 Harmen Harmen Ridwan Baharta Elhamida Rezkia Amien <p>The process of oil slicing is one process that can affect the oil content of the frying results. <br />The remaining oil in fried foods when stored for a long time will cause a rancid odor. If <br />consumed directly it will increase cholesterol levels. There are still many oil draining <br />activities on the SME scale that still use traditional methods, namely by draining on the <br />cage. In the previous study, a tube system slicing machine had been made with unhygienic <br />washing machine scraping material. Existing tools can be upgraded by increasing the tube <br />diameter. The research was carried out in several stages, namely: starting with modifying <br />the drain tube, making a collection tube, making an oil outlet, making a frame and mounting <br />an electric motor, making a transmission system, making an electrical system, assembling all <br />the hardware and components. , testing the functional components, measuring the tube <br />rotation of the drainer and testing the performance of the engine that was constructed. The <br />tube was made with a diameter of 30, 35 and 40 cm. The cutting machine can function <br />properly. The stability of the 40 cm diameter tube is better. The higher the tube the more <br />unstable. From the results of testing to drain the 30-diameter diameter cassava chips can <br />within 5 minutes reduce the oil content to 2.16%. Peniris diameter 35 cm 2.28%, peniris <br />diameter 40 cm 2.35%. <br /> <br />Keywords : Draining machine, oil, chips</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel dan Jumlah Carbon Black terhadap Kekerasan dan Kekuatan Tarik Kompon Karet untuk Pembuatan Footstep Sepeda Motor 2019-05-09T02:07:48+00:00 Maryanti Maryanti Febrina Delvitasari Winarto Winarto <p>One of the problems encountered at the time of manufacture of rubber finished goods is to <br />determine precisely the value of hardness, and tensile strength of rubber finished products <br />because it is one of the essential physical properties in designing rubber finished goods. The <br />purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the amount of filler material to the hardness <br />and tensile strength of footstep motorcycle compound. The experiment was carried out by <br />experimenting with six compound formulas using natural rubber and chemicals. The <br />experimental compound will be compared to the manufactured product compound (FP) by <br />analysing the hardness value (Hardness, Shore A) and tensile strength (N/mm2). The results <br />of different particle sizes and amounts of carbon black are significantly different to hardness <br />and tensile strength value. The same hardness value as the manufacturer’s product is carbon <br />black N 330 and N660 with 45 phr. <br /> <br />Keywords: footstep, hardness, the particle size of carbon black, tensile strength</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Sistem Informasi Lumbung Pangan Pertanian Berbasis Google Map dan Json 2019-05-09T02:07:48+00:00 Rima Maulini Dwirgo Sahlinal Dewi Kania Widyawati <p>The agricultural food granary information system aims to build a food security system with <br />food granary area analysis based on geographic information system technology and JSON <br />(JavaScript Object Notation). Specifically the research aims: (1) building a database with <br />food storage using Google maps and JSON-based; (2) building an information system for <br />regional food availability; (3) provide information on the implementation of identification, <br />inventory monitoring of problems of food security so that it will help formulate policies in <br />the framework of fostering, managing, distributing, availability and food reserves. The <br />research began with literature review, system model planning and preparation, model <br />verification, field testing, evaluation and development, and implementation results. Output <br />targets to be produced: (1) basic data on the potential of food obtained in the food storage <br />area. (2) built a regional food security system with a food information technology-based <br />analysis of geographic information and JSON. (3) a module for regional food security <br />systems has been prepared with analysis of geographic information technology-based food <br />storage areas and JSON that can be used for field implementation. <br /> <br />Keywords: Information systems, food storage, geography, Google maps, JSON</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pemanfaatan Senyawa Antioksidan Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea Batatas) Pada Pewarnaan Produk Klepon 2019-05-09T02:07:48+00:00 Hertini Rani Devy Cendekia Cendekia Dian Ayu Afifah <p>Antioxidants have recently become a compound that has been widely promoted. Antioxidants <br />are substances that can protect cells against the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are <br />molecules produced when the body gets damaged food or exposure to unhealthy <br />environments such as tobacco smoke and radiation. Fruits and vegetables that are light-<br />skinned with typical colours such as purple sweet potatoes, yellow sweet potatoes, red <br />tomatoes, purple blueberries, yellow corn, and orange carrots, are rich in antioxidants. <br />Sweet potatoes are known to have high carbohydrate and antioxidant content. Also, sweet <br />potatoes are divided into three types based on the different colours, namely white sweet <br />potato, yellow sweet potato, and purple sweet potato. The advantages of sweet potatoes can <br />be used as natural dyes in the manufacture of klepon products. In the study conducted the <br />addition of three types of sweet potatoes in the making klepon. The addition of sweet <br />potatoes affects the value of carbohydrates and water content in klepon products. Also, white <br />sweet potatoes, yellow sweet potatoes, and purple sweet potatoes have carbohydrate content <br />of 44%, 55%, and 42%. Mineral content In addition to white sweet potatoes, yellow sweet <br />potatoes, and purple sweet potatoes are 0.13%, 0.35%, and 0.27%, while the addition of <br />white sweet potatoes, yellow sweet potatoes, and purple sweet potatoes has a moisture <br />content. 52%, 40%, and 56%. Where on klepon without the addition of sweet potatoes has <br />48% carbohydrate content, mineral content 0.23%, and 47% water content? Based on the <br />results of the analysis, klepon with the addition of yellow sweet potato is the best of <br />nutritional value and storage capacity, because it has the highest levels of carbohydrate and <br />minerals, and low moisture content. <br /> <br />Keywords: Antioxidants, Telephone, Sweet Potatoes</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Modernisasi Pengolahan Eyek-Eyek (Cassava Cracker) untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Usaha Pengolahan Beras Siger (Tiwul Modifikasi) 2019-05-09T02:07:49+00:00 Beni Hidayat M. Muslihudin Syamsu Akmal <p>Cassava cracker (eyek-eyek) is a traditional snack made from cassava which can be <br />developed as an effort to diversify products from the Siger Rice (modified tiwul) business <br />because of the similarity of raw materials and equipment. The study aims to modernize the <br />processing of the cassava cracker (eyek-eyek) and examine the increase in the productivity <br />of the siger rice business by the modernization of the cassava cracker (eyek-eyek) <br />processing. The study was carried out in three stages, namely 1) modernization of cassava <br />cracker (eyek-eyek) processing using mechanical/semi-mechanical equipment in the form of <br />grated machines, press equipment, and forming equipment, 2) productivity improvement <br />analysis of cassava cracker (eyek-eyek) 3) analysis of business productivity improvement of <br />siger rice. The analysis results showed that modernization of the cassava cracker (eyek-eyek) <br />processing would increase production capacity (100 kg to 200 kg), decrease production time <br />(8 hours to 4 hours), increase product uniformity (80% to 100%) and increase the income of <br />a group of women farmers per month (IDR 1,500,000 to IDR 3,000,000), and increase <br />business profits per month (IDR 800,000 to IDR 1,600,000). The analysis results also show <br />that modernization of the processing of eyek-eyek (cassava cracker) has increased the <br />productivity of siger rice business as reflected in the increase in business income per month <br />(IDR 4,000,000 to IDR 7,000,000), business profits per month (IDR 1,400,000 to IDR <br />3,000,000), and the number of workers involved (2 to 3 person). <br /> <br />Keywords: cassava cracker, cassava, siger rice, modified tiwul</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Rancang Bangun Mesin Penurun Kadar Air Sistim Penyemprotan Madu Panas Melewati Udara Bergerak Didalam Ruang Dingin (Rh Rendah) 2019-05-09T02:07:49+00:00 Harmen Harmen Bastaman Syah Yose Sebastian <p>Honey is a sweet substance produced by honey bees from flower extracts or plant parts. <br />Food honey is important for human nutrition sources, containing 82.3% carbohydrates. <br />Besides sugar, honey also contains minerals, proteins, and vitamins. Honey can be damage <br />naturally if it has be fermented. Fermentation occurs by yeast at high water content (23-<br />30%). Honey is safe from water content fermentation of 16% -21%, ideally 16-20%. <br />Decreasing water content is the most important step in processing agricultural products. The <br />decrease in water content can be do by drying. Drying can be do by giving heat to the <br />material. Decreasing water content can be do by spraying hot grains that are smooth in <br />moving air to accelerate evaporation of water, reduce temperature gradients, reduce flood <br />damage. Another method of decreasing water content is spraying liquid material in low <br />humidity (low RH) space in this air-conditioned room. At Low RH space, means having low <br />vapor pressure so that it speeds up the evaporation of water. The purpose of this study is to <br />design a honey water-lowering machine that is heated by spraying method in a low RH <br />space. Test the performance of the water-lowering machine made. The research method is <br />designing construction and performing performance tests. Performance tests include <br />comparing moisture content and the final temperature of honey between those sprayed at 50 <br />OC and those sprayed at 29 OC. From the observations, it can be conclud that the final <br />moisture content of honey sprayed with a temperature of 50 OC is higher than the honey <br />temperature of 29 OC. But the final temperature of honey is the opposite. Reducing machine <br />Honey water content has not been able to reduce to less than 20% (FAO). <br /> <br />Keyword: Moisture-lowering, Spraying, Honey, RH low</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Kajian Formulasi Daun Singkong (Manihot esculenta) dan Rumput Laut (Eucheuma cottonii) Terhadap Sifat Sensor dan Kimia Nori 2019-05-09T02:07:49+00:00 Subeki Subeki Indah Putri Asih Sri Setyani Fibra Nurainy <p>Cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta) are green vegetables that can be used as a source of <br />iron for blood hemoglobin. However, the processing of cassava leaves is still limited. <br />Therefore, product diversification needs to be done. This study aimed to obtain a <br />combination of cassava leaves and seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) against the best sensory <br />and chemical properties of nori. This study used a non-factorial Complete Group <br />Randomized Design (RAKL) with four replications. The study was conducted with six levels <br />of treatment, namely a combination of cassava leaves and seaweed consisting of 30:70, <br />40:60, 50:50, 60:40, 70:30, and 80:20. Data were analyzed further by the LSD (Smallest <br />Significant Difference) test at the level of 5%. The results showed that the combination of <br />cassava leaves and seaweed affected the organoleptic properties of the texture, color, <br />aroma, and elasticity of the nori produced. The combination of cassava and seaweed leaves <br />(40:60) produced the best nori with a texture score of 3.91 (compact), color 2.26 (green), <br />aroma 3.64 (no flavor of cassava leaves), elasticity 3.86 (elastic) , water content 13.94%, <br />ash 13.26%, protein 10.30%, fat 1.05%, crude fiber 20.43%, carbohydrate 41.03%, Fe <br />160.04 ppm, and HCN 0.01 mg / g. <br /> <br />Keywords: cassava leaves, Eucheuma cottonii, Manihot esculenta, nori, seaweed</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Uji Eksperimental Kuat Tekan Mortar Paving Block dengan Bahan Limbah Substitusi Agregat Halus dan Semen 2019-05-09T02:07:49+00:00 Andy Eka Saputra Ismadi Raharjo Suprapto Suprapto <p>Offsetting the high availability of by-products from the coal burning industry as a PLTU <br />power plant in the form of waste, various efforts have been made by researchers and the <br />government to manage environmentally sound waste management businesses. One of the <br />efforts made by researchers is to improve the category of B3 waste (dangerous, toxic) into <br />environmentally friendly waste, namely by the method of waste treatment. The research will <br />be carried out at the Soil and Water Engineering Laboratory and the Agricultural <br />Mechanization Laboratory of Lampung State Polytechnic for 6 months. The treatment that <br />will be applied in this study is use. bottom ash or bottom ash which is used as a fine <br />aggregate substitute for 100% mixture of paving block making for sand volume. Variation in <br />the use of fly ash or fly ash as part of cement replacement material in a mixture of 30%, 40% <br />and 50%, 100% of the volume of cement. The testing period is 7, 14 days. Then a press test is <br />performed using a CTM (compresion testing machine) tool. The test results compared with <br />the standard physical properties according to SNI 03-0691-1996 were obtained from the <br />average sample Bottom Ash 30% compressive strength at 7 days: 7.2 Mpa, 14 days: 10.3 <br />Mpa, Sample B at 7 days of age: 6 , 8 Mpa, 14 days: 9.5 Mpa. Sample C at 7 days: 5.8 MPa, <br />14 days: 8.4 MPa. Sample D at the age of 7 days: 1 Mpa, 14 days: 1.4 Mpa, with <br />recommendations for samples of mixtures Bottom 30%, 20% and 10% including the category <br />III SNI 03-0691-1996 and can be used as material for paving block construction while <br />sample bottom Ash 0% does not enter katogari SNI 03-0691-1996. <br /> <br />Keywords: Paving block, fly ash, bottom ash, Compressive Strength</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Rancangan Sistem Filtrasi Ganda untuk Pengolaan Air Limbah Laundry Rumah Tangga 2019-05-09T02:07:49+00:00 Iskandar Zulkarnain Kelik Istanto Aniessa Rinny Asnaning <p>The household laundry wastewater contains detergents that can cause water pollution. The <br />habit of many household to directly throw the laundry wastewater into water body, will have <br />an impact on environmental damage in the future. Some previous researchers have made <br />observations on filtration system to treat laundry wastewater. The development of current <br />filtration technology, has recommended the double filtration system for drinking water and <br />wastewater treatment. This research is an experiment to design double filtration system for <br />household laundry wastewater treatment. The research were designed the multiple filtration <br />system for the household laundry wastewater treatment, with parameters observations such <br />as: color,smell , TSS and pH. The result of this experiment shown that the water produced by <br />the system becoming harmless and colorless. The Observations on TSS parameter values <br />shown a decrease of 26.27%, from 150 ppm to 110 ppm, while the pH value are increased <br />from 5.4 to 5.8. <br /> <br />Keywords : Filtration, Wastewater, Laundry Wastewater</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) untuk Analisis Tekanan Penduduk Terhadap Kawasan Lindung di Hulu Waduk Batutegi 2019-05-09T02:07:49+00:00 Kelik Istanto Ismadi Raharjo Iskandar Zulkarnain <p>Population pressure is important indicator in watershed management, in this case is <br />catchment area of Batutegi Reservoir. Population pressure came from villages around it. <br />The highly of population pressure indicated a high potential for land use conflicts that will <br />potentially penetrate the surrounding area, including catchment area. Population and <br />availability of agricultural land are the main factors of population pressure. Population <br />projections and land use mapping in the analysis of population pressure in villages within <br />the catchment area shows that there are 7 (seven) villages in the catchment area, they are <br />Sinar Jawa, Datar Lebuay, Margo Mulyo, Air Naningan, Air Kubang, Sinar Sekampung, and <br />Batutegi. Air Kubang, Air Naningan, and Sinar Sekampung are known with population <br />pressure more than 3 (very bad in population pressure). The three villages must be the <br />priority of controlling population pressure which can be done through intensification of <br />agriculture, increasing creative economic efforts, industrial processing of agricultural <br />products at household scale, and controlling spatial land use through Regional Regulations. <br /> <br />Keywords : Catchment Area, Geographic Information System, Population Pressure.</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Produktivitas Ayam Buras Bibit yang di Suplementasi Kecambah Kacang Hijau 2019-05-09T02:07:50+00:00 Riko Noviadi Zairiful Zairiful <p>Green bean sprouts are rich in vitamin E needed by native chickens to increase egg <br />production. The research was carried out in the native chicken cage at Department of <br />Animal Husbandry, State Polytechnic of Lampung took place from April to July 2018. The <br />study aimed to analyze the production of native chicken eggs that supplemented with green <br />bean sprouts. 60 female and 12 male native chickens were used in the study randomized into <br />12 maintenance plots with male ratios: female = 1: 5. The treatment applied was R0 = 0% <br />green bean sprouts and R1 = 0.5% green bean sprouts. The effect of the treatment tested on <br />the observed variables was analyzed by the student’s t-test statistical model. The results <br />obtained showed that supplementation of green bean sprouts in native chickens feed <br />resulted in higher productivity. <br /> <br />Keywords: native chicken, green bean sprouts</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pengaruh Penggunaan Sinbiotik Bakteri Asam Laktat dan Daun Cincau terhadap Performa Broiler 2019-05-09T02:07:50+00:00 Zairiful Zairiful Anjar Sofiana Karunia Maghfiroh <p>Symbiotics in this study consisted of probiotics lactic acid bacteria (BAL) and prebiotics <br />grass jelly leaves. This study aims to examine the effect of various levels of symbiotics on <br />drinking water on the broiler performance. One hundred birds of Day Old Chick (DOC) <br />were divided into 5 groups of treatments. The treatments were R1: drinking water without <br />antibiotics and natural symbiotics, R2: drinking water with AGP, R3: drinking water with <br />natural symbiotics (2%), R4: drinking water with natural symbiotics (4%), R5: drinking <br />water with natural symbiotics (6%). The variables observed were feed consumption, body <br />weight gain, and feed conversion. The use of 2% natural symbiotics gives a lower average <br />value of feed consumption and feed conversion compared to the use of natural symbiotics 4% <br />and 6%. The use of 2% natural symbiotics in drinking water also provides higher body <br />weight gain compared to the use of natural symbiotics 4% and 6%. <br /> <br />Keywords: natural symbiotics, lactic acid bacteria, grass jelly leaves, broiler performance</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Karakteristik Fisik Pakan Wafer berbasis Bungkil Inti Sawit 2019-05-09T02:07:50+00:00 Sukaryana Yana Zairiful Zairiful Yadi Priabudiman Imelda Panjaitan <p>Wafers are one form of processed feed that is formed in such a way with special tools, made <br />from concentrate or forage with the aim of reducing the craving properties of feed. The <br />purpose of this study was to determine the physical characteristics of palm kernel cake-<br />based wafer feed. The design used is a 4 x 3 factorial design, with treatment; 4 different <br />wafer feed formulas and 3 different thickness sizes.Observations made include water content, <br />density, water absorption. The results showed that based on the results of physical quality <br />test (moisture content of 15.66 ± 0.79a, density of 0.75 ± 0.05tn, water absorption of 185.76 <br />± 3.85b) wafers with formula 2 thickness of 4 cm gave physical appearance the best wafer. <br /> <br />Keywords: Palm kernel cake, characteristics, wafers</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Pemacu Pertumbuhan Alami pada Broiler 2019-05-09T02:07:50+00:00 Agung Adi Candra Nani Irwani Karunia Magfiroh <p>The study aimed to determine the effect of probiotic, prebiotic and eubiotic addition on <br />broilers to the appearance of broiler production. The material used was 100 broiler <br />chickens, which were kept since the Old Chicks Day until the age of 4 weeks and distributed <br />in 4 groups, namely probiotics, prebiotic and eubiotics. The research method was <br />experimental compiled based on Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments <br />and 5 replications. The treatments in ji are as follows: control group (without any addition), <br />probiotics, prebiotic and eubiotic. The variables observed in this study are feed <br />consumption; weight gain (PBB); feed conversion; carcass weight, carcass and mortality. <br />The data obtained were analyzed using variance analysis and if there were differences <br />between treatments. The results showed that the addition of probiotics, prebiotic and <br />eubiotics increased weight gain, and increased consumption and were able to reduce the <br />ration conversion value <br /> <br />Keywords: Growth booster, broiler <br /> <br />Disubmit : 13-08-2018; Diter</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Budidaya Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) di Keramba Jaring Apung Laut 2019-05-09T02:07:50+00:00 Pindo Witoko Ninik Purbosari Nuning Mahmudah Noor Dwi Puji Hartono Epro Barades Rietje Jm Bokau <p>Pacific white shrimp is a brackish water commodity that is the mainstay of the <br />country's foreign exchange. The number of times faced in aquaculture activities in <br />ponds makes alternative cultivation activities that need to be done. The use of the <br />potential of sea waters can be a medium in vaname shrimp cultivation. The use of <br />floating net cages is one of the alternative cultivation media used. This study aims to <br />determine the performance of vaname shrimp production which is cultivated in the <br />floating net cage. This study was carried out by using the research method with the <br />number of cage plots used as many as 6 pieces with a total stock of 2000 juvenile per <br />plot for 90 days. Production performance criteria observed include growth, Survival <br />Rate (SR), Average Daily Gain (ADG), Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) and total <br />biomass. The results showed that the growth of weight 19,3 grams, growth in length <br />12,3 cm, Survival Rate (SR) 33%, Average Daily Gain (ADG) 0.21 grams/day, Food <br />Conversion Ratio (FCR) 1,9 and total biomass of 76,32 kg. <br /> <br />Keywords: Shrimp Culture, Sea Floating Net Cage (FNC) and Productivity</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Dukungan Inovasi Teknologi Pertanian Untuk Mendorong Produksi Padi Di Wilayah Kecamatan Pubian, Lampung Tengah 2019-05-14T02:04:02+00:00 Slameto Slameto Kiswanto Kiswanto <p class="ABSTRACT">Agricultural Research and Development Agency continues to innovate to produce technology in agriculture. One form of the latest agricultural innovation is the Jajar Legowo Super Rice Cultivation Technology. The innovation continues to be disseminated to farmers to encourage rice production. One of the development areas is in the village of stunting. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of production of new superior varieties of rice with the application of Super Jarwo Rice cultivation technology. Study locations in Tanjung Rejo Village, Payung Rejo Village, Payung Dadi Village, Pubian District, Lampung Tengah Regency. The assessment method was denfarm field activities on rice fields with an area of 10 ha. The implementation of innovation with Jarwo Super Rice cultivation technology. Rice variety planted by Inpari 30, Inpari 31, Inpari 33. Inpari 42, Inpari 43. Rice planting was carried out in the 2nd planting season (April-August 2018) The results showed that the highest production was found in Inpari 42 varieties with an average yield 5,560 kg of dry harvested grain / ha. Planting of new varieties of rice is able to boost rice production around 1,000-1,500 kg of grain per ha compared to the existing varieties planted by farmers on land with limited water resources. Need to be intensively carried out the diffusion of Jarwo super production technology innovations in farmers in various regions of Lampung.</p><p class="ABSTRACT"> </p><p class="ABSTRACT"><strong>Keywords :</strong> jarwo super, production, rice, stunting</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Antisipasi Kerusakan Motor Listrik 3 Fasa pada Peralatan Laboratorium Pendidikan dan Unit Produksi Sabutret Menggunakan Pengaman Phase Failure Relay 2019-06-26T01:59:30+00:00 Nurjan Didik Purwanto Puji Wiyono Yusfiar K <p>he 3 phase electric motor is a type of electric motor which is simple, easy to maintain, <br />cheap in price and has a constant rotation, but many requirements must be met when <br />installing a 3 phase electric motor installation. One of the causes of frequent 3 phase electric <br />motor damage is the loss of current and voltage across a phase, if the electrical voltage is <br />lost 1 phase then a phase change occurs in other words the motor works very heavy and fast <br />heat so that the insulation of the stator coil is damaged and short circuit occurs coil so that <br />the electric motor is on fire. One effort to safeguard the 3 phase electric motor is the <br />installation of Phase Failure Relay (PFR), which aims to minimize equipment damage at the <br />Education Laboratory and Sabutret production unit, especially the security of 3 phase <br />electric motors that are widely used in the laboratory. The purpose of designing the tool <br />from this study is: protect one phase loss when the 3 phase electric motor is operating, with <br />this system in the event of loss of current and voltage the phase of the system will turn off <br />automatically, thereby reducing the risk of damage to the electric motor before repairs are <br />carried out, facilitate the process of teaching and learning activities and production in the <br />laboratory. Thus the 3 phase electric motor protection system is expected to contribute to the <br />world of education, especially for students of Agricultural Mechanization study programs <br />and other study programs at the Lampung State Polytechnic.</p><p> </p><p>Keywords : 3 phase electric motor protection system, Phase Failure Relay, phase loss, and <br />Phase Angle</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Rancang Bangun Prototipe Sistem Kendali Cerdas Untuk Budidaya Tanaman Cabai Merah (Capsicum Annuum. L 2022-08-21T13:34:35+00:00 Kurniawan Saputra Zuriati Zuriati Fitriani Fitriani <p>This research report is about the design of a prototype intelligent control system for the<br>cultivation of red chili (Capsicum annuum.L). The intelligent control system is designed<br>using microcontroller technology. The intelligent control system in question is control of the<br>process of watering, spraying, and fertilizing chili plants automatically, which is designed<br>according to the maintenance needs of red chili cultivation. The research method for<br>designing an intelligent control system consists of several stages, namely: planning,<br>requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, and system documentation. The<br>benefits of this intelligent control system include: the maintenance process on chili<br>cultivation becomes easier and more controlled because the control process will be handled<br>automatically so that farmers and the general public can cultivate red chili plants better. In<br>the end, it is hoped that there will be an increase in national red chili production. Another<br>benefit that will be felt is the reduction in human labor because the control process of<br>spraying, watering, and fertilizing is carried out by the tool automatically, so that the costs<br>incurred for maintenance wages will decrease as a result the income of farmers and the<br>community will increase.<br><br>Keyword: Red chili (Capsicum annuum.L), microcontroller, intelligent</p> 2022-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2022