Sifat Fisik dan Mekanik Serta Pengaruh Penyosohan terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Mekanik Biji Sorgum Varietas KD 4
Sorghum contains protein and calcium higher than rice and corn. In addition, the ease of growing in all soil types make sorghum potential as a staple food instead of rice. Efforts to develop sorghum constrained in the postharvest process. Sorghum’s grain has a smooth surface so that the seed coat can not be polished traditionally. Sorghum also contain tannins that can be found on endosperm. The purpose of the research is to determine the physical characteristics of sorghum grain KD 4. Physical characteristics measured are the dimensions and weight of the seed, bulk density, moisture content, and the angle of repose. As the results, the width of sorghum grain ranged between 2.28 - 3.76 mm, thickness rangesfrom 1.70 – 2.50 mm, and a height ranges from 2.56 - 4:20 mm. Initial moisture content was 10.65%.After milled four times, the water content of sorghum decreased to 8:09%, 8.91%, and 8.98% in each treatment.Keywords: physical and mechanical properties, sorghum grain KD 4, millingUnduhan
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