Keanekaragaman Serangga Hama dan Musuh Alami pada Pertanaman Kedelai di Kebun Percobaan Natar dan Tegineneng
The study aims to explore and determine the presence of pests and natural enemies on soybean plants in Natar and Tegineneng experiment plantation. Methods for observation of insects was done by direct observation (visual), using trap nets and catching insects manually. Soybean crops were observed in two different locations and the use of semi insecticide, liquid smoke of coconut shell. Pests found in Natar and Tegineneng plantations were from the family Noctuidae, Aphididae, Pentatomidae and Alydidae. The composition obtained in Natar plantation namely Aphis sp. (45%), Riptortus linearis (22%), Nezara viridula (15%), Crysodexis chalchites (11%) and Spodoptera litura (7% ). The composition of pests observed in Tegineneng plantation namely Aphis sp. (32%), Helicoverpa armigera (19%), Nezara viridula (16%), Spodoptera litura (13%), Riptortus linearis (13%) and Crysodexis chalchites (7%). Predators found in Natar and Tegineneng plantations were family Coccinelidae, Syrphidae and Mantidae. The use of biologicalpesticidesc oconut shell liquid smoke affect the presence of insect pests, but does not affect the existence of natural enemies in two locations . Key words: diversity, pests, natural enemies, predatorsUnduhan
Dian Meithasari, Danarsi Diptaningsari dan Bambang Hariyanto: Keanekaragaman Serangga Hama Dan...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Polinela 2014
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