Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan dan Sosial Ekonomi Rumahtangga Petani Terdampak Gempa Bumi, Likuifaksi, dan Tsunami di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
Changes in agricultural land after the earthquake, soil liquefaction, and tsunami in Central Sulawesi Province affected the socio-economic conditions of the community. This research aimed to analyze changes in paddy land use and socio-economic conditions after the earthquake, soil liquefaction, and tsunami. The research was conducted purposively in Sigi and Donggala districts by using cross-section data of 503 farmer groups. The method used was descriptive and economic analysis. The results showed that there was a decrease in the area of agricultural land from 30 363.3 hectares to 7 356.08 hectares. Before the earthquake, the land was used for rice, corn and horticultural farming, while after the disaster, the land was only used for horticultural and cocoa farming activities. The socioeconomic changes in households affected by the disaster were the decrease in farming activities (on-farm to off-farm) and the average monthly income in the non-agricultural sector became higher than the agricultural sector. Nonetheless, the government needs to support the improvement of infrastructure and capital to increase farming performance. Keywords: land, soil liquefaction, post-earthquake, socio-economy, and tsunamiUnduhan
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