PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) <p>PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) is a scientific journal in the field of animal husbandry, especially applied animal husbandry, which is a journal that accommodates the publication of research results in the field of animal husbandry including: Animal Production, Nutrition and Animal Food, Animal Product Technology, Animal Health and Animal Socio-Economics. This journal is published twice a year by the Lampung State Polytechnic Animal Husbandry Department</p> <p>PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) has been accredited with <strong>SINTA 4</strong> by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia based on Decree No. 204/E/KPT/2022.</p> Politeknik Negeri Lampung en-US PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) 2721-2599 Psikologi Pembisnis dan Kesejahteraan Subyektif; Pergolakan Manajemen Strategis UMKM Produk Peternakan dan Pertanian di Jawa Timur Dalam menghadapi Dinamika Bisnis <p><em>The role of psychology in subjective well-being among entrepreneurs has been well-established by previous researchers, but this study focuses on small businesses in the potential products of honey and coffee commodities. Therefore, this research delves deeper into the influence of entrepreneurs' psychology on subjective well-being in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) specializing in honey and coffee in East Java. This study utilized cross- sectional data, surveying 175 integrated entrepreneurs in honeybee and coffee farming in East Java using a questionnaire instrument. The data analysis employed a quantitative approach with Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM).The empirical study proves that entrepreneurs' psychology, specifically optimism, positively affects subjective well-being. Farmers with higher levels of optimism can drive entrepreneurs towards achieving subjective well-being, including life satisfaction, good household conditions, and happiness. Therefore, to achieve subjective well-being, entrepreneurs should maintain positive expectations when facing business uncertainties, always believe in generating ample revenue, envision a promising future, hope for things to go as planned, believe in miracles, and maintain optimism towards better fortunes beyond expectations. This study has implications for businesses of all sizes, emphasizing the measurement of intangible resources in achieving subjective well-being</em></p> A Suryawan B Hartono J Putritamara M Syamsulhadi Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 2 53 60 10.25181/peterpan.v6i2.3611 Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Keberadaan Peternak Ayam Broiler di Kelurahan Rijang Pitu Kecamatan Maritengngae Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang <p>The aim of this research is to find out how the residents of Rijang Pitu sub-district, Maritengngae District, and Sidenreng Rappang Regency perceive the existence of broiler chickens. The research was conducted from July 29 to September 29 2023 at Rijang Pitu Village, Maritengngae District, Sidenreng Rappang Regency. sample used in this research were people who lived close to broiler chicken breeders with a total of 38 respondents. Samples were taken using purposive sampling. The type of study carried out in this research is descriptive and quantitative with a Likert scale. To measure the subvariables odor, fly population, and livestock waste, the measurement scale is very disturbed, disturbed, quite disturbed, not disturbed, and very not disturbed. The results of the research show that the odor generated from livestock is in the moderately disturbed category with a weight value of 374, the fly population generated from livestock is in the disturbed category with a weight value of 392, and the waste generated from livestock is in the moderately disturbed category with a weight value of 366. It can be concluded that the perception of society as a whole is in the moderately disturbed category with an overall weight of 1.132.</p> M Iksan A Nugraha A Armayani Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 2 61 70 10.25181/peterpan.v6i2.3314 Infeksi Parasit Trematoda pada Saluran Gastrointestinal Sapi Potong di Peternakan Rakyat Kecamatan Candipuro Kabupaten Lampung Selatan <p class="ABSTRACT">Candipuro District is an agricultural and plantation area, apart from that the people also raise beef cattle. Beef cattle are used as a source of meat and as a source of fertilizer for agriculture in the area. There are still some farmers in Candipuro District who raise beef cattle using the traditional method, where the cattle are still kept behind the farmer's house and are given forage in the form of grass. Providing forage in the form of grass can have an impact on livestock health, especially on exposure to gastrointestinal parasites. Gastrointestinal parasite infections are a common problem in cases of gastroenteritis in livestock throughout the world. This can have quite a broad impact, especially on the health of the veterinary community and the health of the livestock itself throughout the world, especially in developing countries. This research was carried out using sample testing using the sedimentation method and also McMaster. Data obtained from the results of testing 193 fecal samples in 14 villages in Candipuro District using the floating and EPG methods, the results obtained are as in table 1. The incidence rate of Trematode parasite infection in Candipuro District is 46.56%. Of the 14 villages, there was a 0% incidence rate of trematode worm cases in Banyumas Village. And then the highest prevalence was in Karya Mulya Sari village at 13.97%. The conclusion of this research is the incidence of Trematode parasite infection in Candipuro District. Of the 193 samples examined, 76 samples were positively infected with Trematode parasites with the species Fasciola sp. and Paramphistomum sp.</p> H S Ramadhan G G Maradon A A Candra V R Pertiwi I K Habsari N A Usman D D Putri Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 2 71 78 10.25181/peterpan.v6i2.3576 Kajian Kesejahteraan Hewan dan Hubungannya dengan Karakteristik Peternak Tradisional pada Peternakan Kambing di Manokwari <p class="ABSTRACT">This study aims to assess the level of welfare of goats kept intensively in Manokwari, and to analyze the relationship with characteristics of traditional farmers and the level of welfare of the goats they keep. The research was conducted in an area densely populated with goats (Prafi and Masni districts), in Manokwari. The research sample of 21 goat farms, selected by purposive sampling, was used in this study. Animal welfare assessment was carried out using the Animal Needs Index (ANI) method which was modified according to goats. The results showed that only 33% of goat farms in the study area were classified as prosperous. There is a significant relationship (P&lt;0.05) between age and rearing scale with the welfare level of the goats they keep. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the age of the breeder and the scale of rearing goats in Manokwari in an effort to improve the welfare of the goats kept.</p> N Zurahmah M Masriani Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 2 79 91 10.25181/peterpan.v6i2.3473 Rumput Brachiaria decumbens : antara Manfaat dan Risiko untuk Pakan Ruminansia <p class="ABSTRACT">Brachiaria decumbens grass is one of the grazing grasses with better production than field grass. It has high nutritional value, is more resistant in the dry season, and is sui<span style="font-style: normal;">tabel</span> for tropical areas. Brachiaria decumbens grass, called Signal Grass, is usually planted for pastures—permanent grazing, but also planted or conserved in limited quantities by smallholder farmers. The general nutritional content of Brachiaria decumbens natural grass is 10.08% water content, 14.11% ash, 3.21% crude protein, 47.39% crude fiber, 2.25% crude fat, 33.04% BETN, TDN 42.14%. Even though it has high nutritional value, Brachiaria decumbens contains anti-nutritional steroid saponin factors such as protodioscin, diosgenin, and yamogenin, which can interfere with growth and are toxic to ruminants. This article reviews the benefits and risks of using Brachiaria decumbens grass as forage for ruminant livestock.</p> Y Yanuartono A D Paryuni I Soedarmanto Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 2 92 109 10.25181/peterpan.v6i2.3595 Analisis Produktivitas dan Income Over Feed Chick Cost (IOFCC) Ayam Ras Pedaging yang Dipelihara dalam Kondisi Heat Stress Menggunakan Kunyit (Curcuma domestica) pada Air Minum <p>This study aims to analyze the productivity of broilers kept in heat stress conditions by giving drinking water mixed with turmeric (Curcuma domestica). This research was conducted in the Lampung State Polytechnic cage and carried out in February 2024. In this study using the experimental method by comparing the turmeric treatment group as much as 500 mg / kg of chicken body weight which will be compared with the group without treatment (control). The results of the research on the provision of drinking water given turmeric (Curcuma domestica) to broilers kept in heat stress conditions have not been able to optimize the effectiveness of broiler productivity and have not been able to increase the effectiveness of Income Over Feed Chick Cost (IOFCC) with the results of the heat stress index declared dangerous.</p> A A Candra D D Putri S N Oktyana Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 6 2 110 118 10.25181/peterpan.v6i2.3613