PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) 2024-03-25T08:08:47+00:00 Agung Adi Candra Open Journal Systems <p>PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) is a scientific journal in the field of animal husbandry, especially applied animal husbandry, which is a journal that accommodates the publication of research results in the field of animal husbandry including: Animal Production, Nutrition and Animal Food, Animal Product Technology, Animal Health and Animal Socio-Economics. This journal is published twice a year by the Lampung State Polytechnic Animal Husbandry Department</p> <p>PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) has been accredited with <strong>SINTA 4</strong> by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia based on Decree No. 204/E/KPT/2022.</p> Pemberian Infusa Kulit Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) terhadap Produktivitas Ayam Broiler 2023-07-12T02:47:37+00:00 Z Zairiful D T Marya R D Lustanti <p>Broiler chicken is a type of livestock that has a short maintenance time ranging from 28-35 days this causes many farmers to cultivate broiler. Broiler chickens have high stress level that can interfere with broiler productivity, therefore it is necessary to minimize stress levels in broilers by providing antioxidants that can inhibit the oxidation process in livestock. Red dragon fruit peel contains antioxidant such as flavonoid, terpenoid, vitamin C, saponin and tannin which are sources of natural antioxidant. This study aims to analyze the benefit of red dragon fruit peel on broiler productivity. The material used is 100 DOC and red dragon fruit peel which is processed into infusion. Analysis of the data used in this study is statistical analysis paired until T-test with a confidence level of 5% and two treatments P0 as a control and P1 administration of red dragon fruit peel infusion at a level of 12%. The variables observed in the study were ration consumption, body weight gain, conversion ration, mortality and income over feed cost. The result showed that there was a significant difference in the productivity of broiler chicken for giving red dragon fruit peel infusion at a level of 12%.</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) Pemanfaatan EM4 Pada Kompos dan FMA Terhadap Pertumbuhan Rumput Kumpai (Hymenachne amplexicaulis (Rudge) Ness.) 2023-12-19T04:43:53+00:00 R Hidayat H Syafria A Adriani W M Lestari <p>The aim of this research is to determine the use of EM4 in compost and AMF (Fungi, Mycorrhiza, Arbuscula) on the growth of kumpai grass on ex-coal mining land. The research phase used CRD which consisted of 4 treatments and 4 replications, where P0 = 40% feces + 35% empty fruit bunches + 20% palm fronds + 4% bran + 1% urea, P1 = P0 + 2% EM4, P2 = P0 + 4% EM4, P3= P0 + 6% EM4. pH parameters, and (C, N, P, K and C/N ratio) of compost. The best of one step is used on two steps. This research was carried out in two stages using CRD with a 3x2x3 factorial pattern, with 2 factors as treatment, namely factor A was A0= 0 compost, A1= 12 g compost, and A2= 24 g compost and factor B was AMF with a dose of B0= 0 g and B1= 20 grams. The treatments analyzed included plant height, number of tillers, root dry weight and forage dry matter yield. The results showed that EM4 treatment had no effect on shrinkage components, pH, P and K (P&lt;0.05). Compost average shrinkage= 21.37%, pH= 7, N= 3.66%, P= 0.48%, C= 29.94%, K= 1.14% and C/N= 12.03 . EM4 treatment had a significant effect on the composition of C, N and C/N. In stage 2 the research results showed that the treatment given AMF 20 g had a significant effect on plant height, number of tillers, and forage dry matter yield. Meanwhile, the interaction between composition and FMA has no significant effect on all variables. The conclusions of this research are (1) the addition of EM4 starter at a level of 6% shows the best value for compost shrinkage, pH and compost nutrient content. (2) Giving 20 g AMF increases forage growth.</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) Potensi Reproduksi Induk Ternak Sapi Bali pada Sistem Peternakan Rakyat di Kecamatan Taniwel Timur Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat 2023-12-19T04:38:48+00:00 I P Siwa D F Souhoka J Labetubun A I Kewilaa <p> The reproductive performance of female Bali cattle is one of the important factors that needs to be known in supporting the efficiency of beef cattle breeding programs so that mothers can produce calves every year. This research aims to determine the characteristics of the reproductive potential of Bali cattle in the community farming system in East Taniwel District, West Seram Regency. The research location was determined purposively, selecting 6 sample villages from 15 villages in East Taniwel District, West Seram Regency based on the criteria of having the largest number of Balinese cattle. These villages are Sohuwe Village, Maloang Village, Matapa Village, Lumalatal Village, Sekasale Village and Hatunuru Village. The research was conducted for 1 month from August to September 2023. Respondents were determined using a purposive sampling method based on the presence of the highest number of cattle population per sample village and the highest level of Balinese cattle ownership with the criteria of having kept cattle for at least 3 years, had given birth and had carried out marketing. Farmer respondents were taken 10 respondents per sample village, so that 60 respondents were obtained. Data on the general condition of the research location, respondent characteristics, business characteristics, population structure and reproductive potential were analyzed using simple statistical calculations and studied descriptively. The research results show that the structure of the livestock population is dominated by the presence of female livestock at adult age, heifers and calves. The reproductive potential obtained is the age at first mating 18.16 ± 1.40 months; pregnancy rate 84.96%; and a birth rate of 99.43% with pre-weaning child mortality of 8.4%.</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) Dampak Perubahan Iklim Terhadap Kualitas Udara Pada Peternakan Unggas: Systematic Literature Review 2024-01-29T03:06:10+00:00 A F Nurhidayah S Syamsuddin H Hasrin H Hasman <p>The Impact of climate change in poultry farming through increased ambient temperatures. Poor air quality also has serious consequences related to the spread of dust particles and toxic chemicals from poultry waste. The aims this study, based on the description above is to see the relationship between increased ambient temperature and air quality in poultry farms. This study used a systematic literature review method with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) approach. The results obtained from 12 articles related to climate change on air quality in poultry farms. Literature results show that air quality monitoring involves parameters such as NH<sub>3</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, NOx, CH<sub>4</sub>, PM<sub>2.5</sub>, and PM<sub>10</sub> with various measurement methods. The temperature and humidity of the poultry environment are critical to achieving optimal conditions for livestock welfare and growth.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: Air Quality, Climate Change, Poultry, Temperature,</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) Pengambilan Keputusan oleh Istri Peternak pada Peternakan Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Banyumas 2023-12-19T04:41:06+00:00 O Marselina K Muatip O E Djatmiko <p class="ABSTRACT">This research aims to analyze the influence of education, age, and the amount of working hours of wives of beef cattle farmers on decision-making, which includes purchasing livestock and selling cattle. The research was conducted using a survey method. The determination of the sample size of respondents used the Slovin formula with a margin of error of 10%, resulting in a total of 81 respondents. Data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis and Binary Logistic Regression analysis. The results of the descriptive analysis indicate that the majority of wives of beef cattle farmers had completed elementary school education (56%) and junior high school education (21%), were aged between 31 and 64 years (88%), owned fewer than 4 cattle heads (74%), had 1-3 family members (41%), and had a working hours allocation of less than 0.5 hours or less than 30 minutes (41%). Their involvement in decision-making showed that 46% were in the high category, and 54% were in the low category. The results of the Binary Logistic Regression analysis indicate that the level of education has no significant influence on decision-making (0.474), age has no significant influence on the decision-making of the farmer's wives (0.298), the number of cattle ownership has a significant influence on decision-making (0.088), the number of family members has no significant influence on decision-making (0.138), and the amount of working hours has a significant influence on the decision-making of farmer's wives (0.1).</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Daun Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L) dan Enkapsulasi Belimbing Wuluh sebagai Feed Additive terhadap Performa Broiler 2024-02-19T03:18:55+00:00 Y A Siregar M Montesqrit H Harnentis <p><em>This study was conducted to determine the effect of adding Averrhoa bilimbi L leaf meal and encapsulated Averrhoa bilimbi L on the broiler performance. The material used in this study included 120 broiler chickens, Averrhoa bilimbi L leaf meal and encapsulated Averrhoa bilimbi L. The research method used was a Complete Randomized Design with 6 treatments and 4 repeats. Each repeat of this study used 5 broiler chickens. The treatment in this study consisted of P0 control (ration with antibiotics Zinc bacitracin), P1 (Averrhoa bilimbi L leaf meal 1%), P2 (Averrhoa bilimbi L leaf meal 2%), P3 (encapsulated Averrhoa bilimbi L 1%), P4 (encapsulated Averrhoa bilimbi L 2%), P5 (Averrhoa bilimbi L leaf meal 1% encapsulated Averrhoa bilimbi L 1%). The variables observed were feed intake,body &nbsp;weight gain, feed conversion ratio and mortality. The data obtained were then analyzed using ANOVA and if there was a significant effect continued with </em><em>Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results showed that the addition </em><em>of Averrhoa bilimbi L leaf meal and encapsulated Averrhoa bilimbi L as </em><em>a feed addtive antibiotic growth promoter had a real effect (P&lt;0.05) on feed consumption but no real effect (P&gt;0.05) on weight gain, ration conversion and mortality.</em><em> The conclusion of this study was Averrhoa bilimbi L leaf meal and encapsulated Averrhoa bilimbi L can be used as 2% in diets without affecting the broiler performance.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan) The Different Time Administration of Cherry Leaf Teabag (Muntingia calabura L.) to Broiler Immunity 2024-02-12T02:39:40+00:00 I Mawarni D D Putri A A Candra R Noviadi G G Maradon <p><em>This study purpose was to analyze the different time administration of cherry leaf teabag (Muntingia calabura L.) to broiler immunity. This study used 2 treatment groups. The first group (T1) was given cherry leaf teabag (Muntingia calabura L.) every day in drinking water (T1), and the second group (T2) was given cherry leaf teabag (Muntingia calabura L.) every two days. The dosage of cherry leaf used in this study 420 mg/kg BW. Paired samples t-test was used to compare the results of the two treatment groups. To determine the effect of different time administration of cherry leaf teabag on the broiler immunity, the parameter observed was the antibody titer in response to Newcastle Disease vaccination, another parameter observed is the weight percentage of the lymphoid organs (Bursa of Fabricius and Spleen) to find out that the herbs with immunostimulatory activity do not cause lymphoid organs to work excessively does not cause the lymphoid organs to work excessively. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that giving Cherry leaf teabag (Muntingia calabura L) every two days had almost the same effect in increasing broiler immunity as giving every day, and giving Cherry leaf teabag (Muntingia calabura L) every day also does not have a negative effect on the lymphoid organs which are responsible for immunity</em></p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PETERPAN (Jurnal Peternakan Terapan)