Respon Beberapa Varietas Padi Terhadap Kekeringan di Sawah Bukaan Baru di Bangka
Rainfed land with low and relatively short time of rainfall has faced on drought stress on management of rice paddies. In this condition, the use of a drought tolerant and high yield potential rice varieties are necessary. This study was carried-out in the fields newly opened with rain-fed irrigation Bangka Belitung using six rice cultivars, namely Inpari 2, Inpari 6, Inpari 10, Inpari 13, Ciherang, and Aek Sibundong, which were transplanted following Legowo row planting system of 2:1 (20 x 10) x 40 cm. Fertilizer was properly applied at the rate of 200 kg/ha urea, 100 kg/ha SP-36, and 100 kg/ha KCl. Fertilizer was given for three times, while the lime and organic fertilizer were applied at soil tillage phase with a dose of 1 t/ha. The measured traits consisted of plant height, number of tillers, panicle length, grain number per panicle, percentage of filled grain, and grain yield. The result showed that Inpari 10 (produce 8.38 t/ha), Aek Sibundong ( 6.94 t/ha), Inpari 13 (6.7 t/ha), Ciherang (6.6 t/ha), Inpari 6 (5.81 t/ha) and the least was Inpari 2 (4.72 t/ha). It can be concluded that Inpari 10 was the most adaptive to drought stress. Keywords: VUB, Inpari 10, Drought, Rice, rainfedUnduhan
Muzammil, Dede Rusmawan, dan Ahmadi: Respon Beberapa Varietas Padi Terhadap Kekeringan...
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